Amos - A Model Only Server.

AMOS is a rails plugin that provides a simple server that uses the url to decide which model to deliver. It is intended for front-end applications that use something like javascriptMVC.

E.g. If the incoming request is /recipe it executes the index action which does a find(:all) in the Recipe modes.

Supported actions

:get => "/user" returns array of all users
:get => "/users/1" returns record for user 1
:delete => "/users/1" deletes record 1 from users, returns success => true / false
:put => "/users/1" + form data. Updates user record 1.  Returns success => true / false
:post => "/users" + form data.  Returns details of new record on success, or errors array on failure

*Currently only available via github*. I will be releasing the amos gem once I have done some more testing

Distributed under the MIT License, all rights reserved 2011 Geoff Drake

Thing to to

  • Publish as a gem

  • Add installation instructions

  • Add security

  • More tests against a javascriptMVC application