
Amistad adds friendships management into a rails 3.0 application.


Just run the following command :

gem install amistad

Then in your Gemfile add the following line :

gem 'amistad'


First generate a friendship model :

rails generate friendship  

This commands create a new model called friendship in 'app/models' :

class Friendship < ActiveRecord::Base

It also creates a new migration for the friendship model so don't forget to migrate your database :


Then activate amistad in your user model :

class User < ActiveRecord::Base  

Friendships management

Creating friendships

To create a new friendship with another user use the method called invite() :

@john.invite @jane
@peter.invite @john
@peter.invite @jane
@victoria.invite @john

The invite() method return true if the friendship successfully created, otherwise it returns false. The friendships remain in pending state until they are approved by the user requested. To approve the friendship created above use the method called approve() :

@jane.approve @john
@john.approve @peter
@jane.approve @peter

As invite(), approve() return true if the friendship was successfuly approved or false if not.

Listing friends

There are two types of friends in amistad :

  • the friends who were invited by the user
  • the friends who invited the user

To get the friend who where invited by @john, use the invited() method :

@john.invited #=> [@jane]

To get the friends who invited @john, use the invited_by() method :

@john.invited_by #=> [@peter]

To get all the friends of @john (those he invited and those who invited him) :

@john.friends #=> [@jane, @peter]

To get the pending friendships use :

@victoria.pending_invited #=> [@john]
@john.pending_invited_by #=> [@victoria]

It is also possible to check if two users are friends :

@john.is_friend_with? @jane #=> true
@victoria.is_friend_with? @john #=> false

You can also check if a user invited anoter :

@john.was_invited_by? @john #=> true
@victoria.was_invited_by? @john #=> false

You can also find the friends that two users have in common :

@john.common_friend_with(@peter) #=> [@jane]

Removing friendships

The remove() method allow a user to remove its friendships :

@john.remove @jane
@john.remove @peter
@john.remove @victoria

Testing the gem

It is possible to test amistad by running the following command from the gem directory:

rake spec

Remember that amistad is only compatible with ActiveRecord 3.x.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Copyright © 2010 Rawane ZOSSOU. See LICENSE for details.