
Code Climate Build Status Dependency Status Coverage Status Gem Version

Allotment is a performance rubygem that records and stores the performance timing of running a block of code, or from a from a chosen point, until a task or action is complete.

Each performance recording is stored with a recording name, each following recording is added so that multiple recordings can be queried and assesed.

Allotment also stores all the results so that they can be easily accessed at any time.


Allotment has been tested with Ruby 1.9.2 and later. To install, type:

gem install allotment

Using Allotment with Cucumber

If you are using Cucumber you can record each scenario, and report the results to the console, add this line into your env.rb file:

require 'allotment/cucumber'

Using Allotment

Allotments main features are: the ability to record performance of ruby blocks; and record from point to point.

Require Allotment at the start of your code:

require 'allotment'

Recording a Block

The basic way of recording a block is as follows:

Allotment.record_event('my_recording') { # code here }
Allotment.record_event('my_recording') do
  # code here

When an event has been completed the performance timing is returned by the method:

performance = Allotment.record_event { # code here }
performance = Allotment.record_event do
  # code here

Record point to point:

The basic way of recording point to point is as follows:

require 'allotment'

Allotment.start_recording 'my_recording'
# code here
Allotment.stop_recording 'my_recording'

When stop recording is called the performance timing is returned by the method:

performance = Allotment.stop_recording 'my_recording'

When start recording is called the timing stopwatch is returned by the method:

stopwatch = Allotment.start_recording 'my_recording'

More on stopwatches

If a recording name does not exists, then a NameError shall be raised.

Accessing performance results

Performance recordings are stored within a hash. The reperformance results are logged to an array under the recording name. They can be access from Allotment at any time:

hash = Allotment.results
array = Allotment.results["my_recording"]
result = Allotment.results["my_recording"].first
result = Allotment.results["my_recording"].average

Allotment Stopwatches


Release Notes

Version 1.0.0

Major: Inital release version.
  • Allotment has the ablility to record blocks and procs, and to record from two separate points within the code.
  • Stopwatch has been completed and can start, stop, split, lap and restart.
  • There is an extention of Array for an average.
  • There is Cucumber support, a cucumber file has been included that will record scenario and test time.

Version 1.0.1

Patch: Added instance methods
  • Added instance methods so that the module can be included into a class and allotment does not need to be called every time.
  • Cleaned up stopwatch so that it had lap and split

Version 1.0.2

Patch: Results returned as Hashie::Mash
  • results methods now return results as a Hashie::Mash

Planned Releases

Version 1.1.0

Minor: Improvements to recording events and stopwatch management
  • Rescue within an event to ensure that the timing is stopped in the event of a failure
  • Complete the readme with updated information on using stopwatches
  • A complete record of all spawned stopwatches