
Make classes, modules, and constants accessible via a different namespace.

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require "alias2"
require "some/very/long/name/here" # If not already loaded (or autoloaded)

An Array of constant names to alias can be provided:

alias2 Some::Very::Long::Name::Here, %w[Foo Bar Baz]

This is the same as:

Foo = Some::Very::Long::Name::Here::Foo
Bar = Some::Very::Long::Name::Here::Bar
Baz = Some::Very::Long::Name::Here::Baz

The namespace can also be a String.

If you'd like to alias them using a different name you can:

alias2 Some::Very::Long::Name::Here, :Foo => "FooHoo", :Bar => "BarHar", :Baz => "Bazzzz"

Same as:

FooHoo = Some::Very::Long::Name::Here::Foo
BarHar = Some::Very::Long::Name::Here::Bar
Bazzzz = Some::Very::Long::Name::Here::Bar

Keys can also be Strings.

The target can be a namespace you want created:

alias2 Some::Very::Long::Name::Here, :Foo => "New::Namespace::SameFoo", :Bar => "BarHar"

Same as:

module New
  module Namespace
    SameFoo = Some::Very::Long::Name::Here::Foo

BarHar = Some::Very::Long::Name::Here::Bar

Or it can be an existing namespace:

alias2 Some::Very::Long::Name::Here, :Foo => "Existing::Namespace::Foo", :Bar => "BarHar"

Same as:

Existing::Namespace::Foo = Some::Very::Long::Name::Here::Foo
BarHar = Some::Very::Long::Name::Here::Bar

In all cases the original namespace is not modified and remains in scope.


A NameError is raised when a constant cannot be found or when a constant is already defined.

See Also

  • aliased - The Perl module that served as inspiration
  • require2 - Kernel#require something and make it accessible via a different namespace
  • class2 - Easily create hierarchies that support nested attributes, type conversion, serialization and more


Skye Shaw [ AT gmail]


Released under the MIT License: