Algolia Search for Rails

This gem let you easily integrate the Algolia Search API to your favorite ORM. It's based on the algoliasearch-client-ruby gem.

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Table of Content

Get started

  1. Install
  2. Setup
  3. Quick Start
  4. Options
  5. Indexing
  6. Search settings
  7. Typeahead UI
  8. Note on testing


gem install algoliasearch-rails

If you are using Rails 3, add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem "algoliasearch-rails"

And run:

bundle install


Create a new file config/initializers/algoliasearch.rb to setup your APPLICATION_ID and API_KEY.

AlgoliaSearch.configuration = { application_id: 'YourApplicationID', api_key: 'YourAPIKey' }

We support both will_paginate and kaminari as pagination backend. For example to use :will_paginate, specify the :pagination_backend as follow:

AlgoliaSearch.configuration = { application_id: 'YourApplicationID', api_key: 'YourAPIKey', pagination_backend: :will_paginate }

Quick Start

The following code will create a Contact index and add search capabilities to your Contact model:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
  include AlgoliaSearch

  algoliasearch do
    attribute :first_name, :last_name, :email

You can either specify the attributes to send (here we restrict to :first_name, :last_name, :email) or not (in that case, all attributes are sent).

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  include AlgoliaSearch

  algoliasearch do
    # all attributes will be sent
p"jon doe")


Each time a record is saved; it will be - asynchronously - indexed. In the other hand, each time a record is destroyed, it will be - asynchronoulsy - removed from the index.

You can disable auto-indexing and auto-removing setting the following options:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
  include AlgoliaSearch

  algoliasearch auto_index: false, auto_remove: false do
    attribute :first_name, :last_name, :email

You can force indexing and removing to be synchronous by setting the following option:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
  include AlgoliaSearch

  algoliasearch synchronous: true do
    attribute :first_name, :last_name, :email

You can force the index name using the following option:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
  include AlgoliaSearch

  algoliasearch index_name: "MyCustomName" do
    attribute :first_name, :last_name, :email

You can suffix the index name with the current Rails environment using the following option:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
  include AlgoliaSearch

  algoliasearch per_environment: true do # index name will be "Contact_#{Rails.env}"
    attribute :first_name, :last_name, :email


You can trigger indexing using the index! instance method.

c = Contact.create!(params[:contact])

And trigger index removing using the remove_from_index! instance method.


To reindex all your records, use the reindex! class method:


To clear an index, use the clear_index! class method:


Search settings

All settings can be specified either statically in your model or dynamically at search time using search options:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
  include AlgoliaSearch

  algoliasearch do
    attribute :first_name, :last_name, :email
    minWordSizeForApprox1 2
    minWordSizeForApprox2 5
    hitsPerPage 42
p"jon doe", hitsPerPage: 5, page: 2)

Typeahead UI

Require algolia/algoliasearch.min (see algoliasearch-client-js) and algolia/typeahead.js (a modified version of typeahead.js with custom transports, see the pull request) somewhere in your JavaScript manifest, for example in application.js if you are using Rails 3.1+:

//= require algolia/algoliasearch.min
//= require algolia/typeahead.min

We recommend the usage of hogan, a JavaScript templating engine from Twitter.

//= require hogan

Turns any input[type="text"] element into a typeahead, for example:

<input name="email" placeholder="[email protected]" id="user_email" />
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    var client = new AlgoliaSearch('YourApplicationID', 'SearchOnlyApplicationKey');
      name: 'emails',
      remote: client.initIndex('#{Contact.index_name}').getTypeaheadTransport(),
      engine: Hogan,
      template: '{{{}}} ({{{_highlightResult.first_name.value}}} {{{_highlightResult.last_name.value}}})',
      valueKey: 'email'

Note on testing

To run the specs, please set the ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID and ALGOLIA_API_KEY environment variables. Since the tests are creating and removing indexes, DO NOT use your production account.