_            _                  _         _   
| |_  ___ ___| |_ _ __ ___   ___| | __ ___| |_ 
| __|/ _ | __| __| '__/ _ \ / __| |/ // _ \ __|
| |_|  __|__ \ |_| | | (_) | (__|   <|  __/ |_ 
 \__|\___|___/\__|_|  \___/ \___|_|\_\\___|\__|

Testrocket is a super simple (as simple as it gets really) testing library for Ruby.

It was initially developed for this CodeBrawl competition and it won! People then asked me to release it 'for real' so here we are.

To install:

gem install testrocket

As yet there are no useful bits and pieces for creating test files (look at the example, it's easy!) or Rake tasks. But it's all crazy simple. A few things may be added later on.


  • Ruby 1.9
  • minitest/spec (part of MRI 1.9 stdlib)
  • Unix/Unix-like/POSIX system


require 'testrocket'

# ===========================================================
# +-> { block that should succeed }
# --> { block that should fail }

+-> { Die.new(2) }
--> { raise }
+-> { 2 + 2 == 4 }

# These two tests will deliberately fail
+-> { raise }
--> { true }

# A 'pending' test
~-> { "this is a pending test" }

# A description
!-> { "use this for descriptive output and to separate your test parts" }

Other Features

By default, output is written to STDOUT (as well as returned by the test expressions themselves). You can override where test output goes like so:

TestRocket.out = File.new('/dev/null', 'w')

TestRocket.out also supports Logger instances.


Initial concept and maintenance by Peter Cooper

Extra concepts and code by Christoph Grabo