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Now with CCU REST support!

AkamaiApi is a ruby library and command line utility to interact with Akamai CCU (Content Control Utility) and ECCU (Enhanced Content Control Utility) services.

Using the CLI

After gem installation you will have a CLI utility to execute operations on Akamai. Each method requires authentication. You can provide auth info using one of the following methods:

  • Passing –username (-u) and –password (-p) arguments at each invocation
  • Creating a config file in your HOME directory named .akamai_api.yml with the following format:

yaml auth: - user - pass log: true # optional for enabling logging in ECCU requests. false by default


When using the CLI you can work with both CCU and ECCU.

akamai_api CCU # CCU Interface akamai_api ECCU # ECCU Interface akamai_api help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task Use akamai_api help to view the help of the CLI.


In the CCU interface you can work with CP Codes and ARLs.

akamai_api CCU cpcode # CP Code CCU actions akamai_api CCU help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand akamai_api CCU arl # ARL CCU actions akamai_api CCU status [progress_uri] # Show the CCU queue status if no progress_uri is given, or show a CCU Purge request status if a progress uri is given

CP Code

akamai_api CCU cpcode help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand akamai_api CCU cpcode invalidate CPCODE1 CPCODE2 ... # Purge CP Code(s) marking their cache as expired akamai_api CCU cpcode remove CPCODE1 CPCODE2 ... # Purge CP Code(s) removing them from the cache

When removing or invalidating a CP Code you can provide the following optional arguments:

  • –domain, -d: Specify if you want to work with production or staging. This is a completely optional argument and usually you don’t need to set it.


akamai_api CCU arl help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand akamai_api CCU arl invalidate http://john.com/a.txt http://www.smith.com/b.txt ... # Purge ARL(s) marking their cache as expired akamai_api CCU arl remove http://john.com/a.txt http://www.smith.com/b.txt ... # Purge ARL(s) removing them from the cache

When removing or invalidating an ARL you can provide the following optional arguments:

  • –domain, -d: Specify if you want to work with production or staging. This is a completely optional argument and usually you don’t need to set it.


If you don’t provide a progress_uri this command will print the CCU queue status. E.g.

bash $ akamai_api CCU status ------------ Status has been successfully received: * Result: 200 - The queue may take a minute to reflect new or removed requests. * Support ID: 12345678901234567890-123456789 * Queue Length: 0 ------------

When you provide a progress_uri or a purge_id this command will print the CCU request status. E.g.

bash $ akamai_api CCU status 12345678-1234-5678-1234-123456789012 # or you can pass /CCU/v2/purges/12345678-1234-5678-1234-123456789012 ------------ Status has been successfully received: * Result: 200 - Done * Purge ID: 12345678-1234-5678-1234-123456789012 | Support ID: 12345678901234567890-123456789 * Submitted by 'gawaine' on 2014-05-20 08:19:21 UTC * Completed on: 2014-05-20 08:22:20 UTC ------------


In the ECCU interface you can see the requestes already published and publish your own requests.

akamai_api ECCU help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand akamai_api ECCU last_request # Print the last request made to ECCU akamai_api ECCU publish_xml path/to/request.xml john.com # Publish a request made in XML for the specified Digital Property (usually the Host Header) akamai_api ECCU requests # Print the list of the last requests made to ECCU akamai_api ECCU revalidate now jhon.com "*.png" # Create an XML request based on querystring input (*.png) for the specified Digital Property (usually the Host Header)

Viewing Requests

You can see the requests published on ECCU using akamai_api ECCU requests For each request you will see all its details (code, status, etc.) except the file content. To view the file content add the –content (-c) option.

To see only the last request you can use akamai_api ECCU last_request.

Publishing Requests in XML

To publish requests made in XML (ECCU Request Format) you can use akamai_api ECCU publish_xml.

``` Usage: akamai_api publish_xml path/to/request.xml john.com

Options: -P, [–property-type=type] # Type of enlisted properties # Default: hostheader [–no-exact-match] # Do not do an exact match on property names -e, [–[email protected] [email protected]] # Email(s) to use to send notification on status change -n, [–notes=NOTES] # Default: ECCU Request using AkamaiApi gem ```

The command takes two arguments: - the file containing the request; - the Digital Property to which you want to apply the request (usually it’s the host);

Revalidate based on a query string

You con use akamai_api ECCU revalidate for generate an XML revalidation file base on a query string.

``` Usage: akamai_api revalidate now jhon.com “*.png”

Options: -f, [–force] # Force request without confirm -P, [–property-type=type] # Type of enlisted properties # Default: hostheader [–no-exact-match] # Do not do an exact match on property names -e, [–[email protected] [email protected]] # Email(s) to use to send notification on status change -n, [–notes=NOTES] # Default: ECCU Request using AkamaiApi gem ```

The command produces the following result and ask you if you want to publish:

xml <?xml version="1.0"?><eccu><match:ext value="png"><revalidate>now</revalidate></match:ext></eccu>

The command takes two arguments: - the timestamp after which any content, matched, in cache with an older timestamp will be considered stale - the Digital Property to which you want to apply the request (usually it’s the host); - the query string that will be analyzed to produce the XML

Rules for the Querystring

  • foo : indicate a filename
  • foo/ : indicate the foo dir
  • *foo/** : indicate all direct sub dirs of foo
  • foo/** : indicate recursively all sub dirs of foo
  • *.png : indicate all pngs
  • foo.txt : indicate specific file (foo.txt)

Following the Akamai API docs there is a limitation:

Akamai recommends that you limit the number of matches to 250 or fewer. Submitting more than 250 invalidation requests at one time can result in a “global invalidation”

As a Library

Remember to init the AkamaiApi gem with your login credentials. You can set your credentials with the following statement:

ruby AkamaiApi.config.merge! :auth => ['user', 'pass']

  • CpCode: model representing a CP Code. Use the ::all method to retrieve the list of available CpCode.
  • CCU : CCU interface. Use the ::purge method to purge a list of resources.
  • ECCURequest: model representing an ECCU request.



When no argument is given, this command will return a AkamaiApi::CCU::Status::Response object describing the status of the Akamai CCU queue. E.g.

ruby AkamaiApi::CCU.status # => #<AkamaiApi::CCU::Status::Response:0x00000101167978 @raw={"supportId"=>"12345678901234567890-123456789", "httpStatus"=>200, "detail"=>"The queue may take a minute to reflect new or removed requests.", "queueLength"=>0}>

When you pass a progress_uri or a purge_id, this command will check the given Akamai CCU request. E.g.

ruby AkamaiApi::CCU.status '/CCU/v2/purges/foobarbaz' # you can pass only 'foobarbaz' (the purge request id) as argument # => #<AkamaiApi::CCU::PurgeStatus::SuccessfulResponse:0x000001014da088 # @raw= # {"originalEstimatedSeconds"=>480, # "progressUri"=>"/CCU/v2/purges/12345678-1234-5678-1234-123456789012", # "originalQueueLength"=>6, # "purgeId"=>"12345678-1234-5678-1234-123456789012", # "supportId"=>"12345678901234567890-123456789", # "httpStatus"=>200, # "completionTime"=>"2014-02-19T22:16:20Z", # "submittedBy"=>"test1", # "purgeStatus"=>"In-Progress", # "submissionTime"=>"2014-02-19T21:16:20Z", # "pingAfterSeconds"=>60}>

It will return a AkamaiApi::CCU::PurgeStatus::SuccessfulResponse object when a purge request is found, or a Akamai::CCU::PurgeStatus::NotFoundResponse when no request can be found.


ruby module AkamaiApi::CCU def purge action, type, items, args = {} ... end end

  • action: symbol or string. It should be remove or invalidate. See the CLI documentation for more details
  • type: symbol or string. It should be arl or cpcode. Use arl to purge a list of urls, and cpcodes to purge a list of cp codes
  • items: the list of the resources to clean
  • args: additional options (domain)

It will return a AkamaiApi::CCU::Purge::Response object that you can use to retrieve the progress_uri (or the purge_id) of the request.


ruby AkamaiApi::CCU.purge :remove, :arl, ['http://www.foo.com/a.txt'], :domain => 'staging' # => #<AkamaiApi::CCU::Purge::Response:0x00000101bf2848 # @raw= # {"describedBy"=>"foo", # "title"=>"bar", # "pingAfterSeconds"=>100, # "purgeId"=>"1234", # "supportId"=>"130", # "detail"=>"baz", # "httpStatus"=>201, # "estimatedSeconds"=>90, # "progressUri"=>"/CCU/v2/purges/1234"}>

Purge Helpers

```ruby CCU = AkamaiApi::CCU

CCU.invalidate_cpcode cpcodes # => wrapper to call .purge :invalidate, :cpcode CCU.invalidate_arl arls # => wrapper to call .purge :invalidate, :arl CCU.invalidate :arl, arls # => wrapper to call .purge :invalidate

CCU.remove_cpcodes cpcodes # => wrapper to call .purge :remove, :cpcode CCU.remove_arl arls # => wrapper to call .purge :remove, :arl CCU.remove :arl # => wrapper to call .purge :remove ```


An ECCURequest is an object representing an ECCU Request. To see all the published requests use the ::all method. To retrieve only the last request, you can use the ::last method. The following code should be self explaining about both class methods and instance methods:

```ruby all_requests_ids = ECCURequest.all_ids # => Returns all available requests ids first_request = ECCURequest.find all_requests_ids.first # => Return the ECCURequest model with the specified code

all_requests = ECCURequest.all  # => Returns all available requests
last_request = ECCURequest.last # => Return the last available request

last_request.update_notes! 'My new note' # => Invoke the ECCU service to change the notes field
last_request.update_email! '[email protected]' # => Invoke the ECCU service to change the email to be notified on status change
last_request.destroy                     # => Invoke the ECCU service to delete the request ```

Use the ::publish method to publish an ECCU Request:

ruby AkamaiApi::ECCURequest.publish 'example.com', my_content, args AkamaiApi::ECCURequest.publish_file 'example.com', 'path/to/file.xml', args

You can specify the following optional arguments in args: file_name, notes, version, emails, property_type, property_exact_match


  • Clone this repository
  • Run ‘bundle install’
  • To run the specs, create the file spec/auth.rb with the following content:

    ruby # Fill the following with your akamai login before running your spec AkamaiApi.config.merge!({ :auth => ['user', 'pass'] })

  • Run specs using guard. Alternatively you can execute the specs with thor spec and cucumber features with cucumber