aka - The Missing Alias Manager

Gem Version

aka generate/edit/destroy/find permanent aliases with a single command.

aka2 requires ruby and is built for bash and zsh users.


$ gem install aka2
$ aka setup

If you wish to reinstall aka setup

$ aka setup --reset


To generate new aka

$ aka generate hello="echo helloworld"
$ aka g hello="echo helloworld"

To destroy aka

$ aka destroy hello
$ aka d hello

To edit aka command

$ aka edit hello

To edit aka alias name

$ aka edit hello --name

To find a aka command

$ aka find hello

To list all aka created

$ aka list
$ aka list 20
$ aka list --number

To list down available command

$ aka help




Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ytbryan/aka-gem.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.