

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ajax_canvas_field'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ajax_canvas_field
After bundle
$ rails g ajax_canvas_field

This add the following:

  • initializers/ajax_canvas_field.rb

    AjaxCanvasField.configure(default_height: 400,
                            default_width: 400,
                            default_left_color: '#ff0000',
                            default_middle_color: '#00ff00',
                            default_right_color: '#0000ff')
  • assets/javascripts/application.js

    //= require ajax_canvas_field
  • assets/stylesheets/application.scss assets/stylesheets/application.scss.erb assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss

    *= require ajax_canvas_field


This Gem provides you with some View-Helper for Rails

  1. canvas_field Provides the main canvas_field with id: #canvas_field

    # options
    :namespace # URL Namespace for ajax-POST e.g. 'api/v1'
    :controller # URL Controller for ajax-POST e.g. 'canvas_fields'
    :background_url # File-Path for background image
  2. canvas_data_field(active) Provides a data-Field for different datasets

    # args
    :active (bool) # Is this the active data field?
    # options
    :additional_data # Additional Data to provide to the AJAX-POST
    :initial_data # The Initial-Data that is loaded
    :content # Symbol that appears in the Dot
  3. canvas_legend_field Renders a Legend Table for the Field

    # options
    :left_text # Text for left Click
    :middle_text # Text for middle Click
    :right_text # Text for right Click
    :left_color # Color for left Click e.g. '#ffff00'
    :middle_color # Color for middle Click e.g. '#ffff00'
    :right_color # Color for right Click e.g. '#ffff00'
    :no_icon # Hide Mouse-Icon-Row
    :no_header # Hide Header
  4. ro_canvas_field Provides readonly canvas_fields with class: .canvas_field, for showing the results of all datasets on one Page

    # options
    :background_url # File-Path for background image


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/datyv/ajax_canvas_field. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.