Aisle finder


gem install aislefinder


Set the get an api key from Set the base uri and apikey

require 'aislefinder'
AisleFinder.base_uri = ''
AisleFinder.apikey = 'YOURAPIKEYHERE'

Find by product name

products = AisleFinder.find_by_product_name("Parsley") 
products.first.item_name # should match /Mccormick Parsley Flake Gourmet/ 

Find product by Id

products = AisleFinder.find_by_product_id("32372")
products.first.item_name #should match /Mccormick Parsley Flake Gourmet/

Find products by full name

AisleFinder.find_product_names_by_full_name("Apple").first.product_name #should match /Apples/

Find stores by name

 AisleFinder.find_stores_by_name("Safeway").first.store_name #should match /Safeway/

Find products by store id

AisleFinder.find_products_by_store_id("b97153fc14", "Apple").first.item_name #should match /Apples/

Find stores by city and state

AisleFinder.find_stores_by_city_and_state("San Francisco", "CA").first.store_name #should match /Safeway/

Find stores by zip

AisleFinder.find_stores_by_zip("95130").first.store_name #should match /Luckys/

Find all of the U.S. states

AisleFinder.find_all_us_states.first.state #should match /AL/

Find cities by state

AisleFinder.find_cities_by_state("CA") #should match /Anderson/