
Duplicate objects are provided with an additional method duplicate that extends the method dup functionality, allowing deep copy or shallow copy of specific fields.

When to use

The advantage of using Duplicate module reside in support for fields that are not duplicated by default for any reason by calling dup. Example: when using Rails dup implementation doesn't copy attributes of model that return an ActiveRecord::Relation, it is supossed the developer to choose his strategy.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'agnostic-duplicate'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install agnostic-duplicate


When using Duplicate you specify a list of attributes that you want to be copied additionaly to the object returned by dup. Though if dup returns a value for an attribute and you mark that attribute as "duplicable" then the value of the attribute will be overwritten with the value provided by duplicate call.


 class Story < ActiveRecord::Base
   include Duplicate
   # ...
   attr_duplicable :seo_element, :category, :properties
   # ...
   attr_accessible :title
   # ...
   has_one :seo_element, as: :metadatable
   has_one :category, through: :categorisation, source: :category
   has_many :properties, :images, :headlines
   # ...

When using duplicable over any attribute, it verifies if the current value value implements Duplicate. In that case it returns the result of calling to duplicate on that object. If the attribute doesn't implement Duplicate it is returned the dup value.

If the duplicable attribute is iterable then it is returned an array where every element of the collection is duplicated following the flow defined previously.

Also it is possible to provide shallow copies of attribute values, modifying the default behaviour. In that case, just make use of the strategy option.

  attr_duplicable :images, strategy: :shallow_copy

It is given support for custom behaviour after duplication process. In that case it is only required to implement the method hook_after_duplicate!

Extending previous example:

 def hook_after_duplicate!(duplicate)
   duplicate.headlines = self.headlines.not_orphans.collect(&:dup)
   duplicate.images.each { |img| img.attachable = duplicate }

ATENTION: Observe that model passed as parameter is in fact the duplicated instance that it is going to be returned

Configuration options

If the only attribute values you want to be duplicated are the ones you have specified through the attr_duplicable method, and though removing the additional fields duplicated because of the init call to dup, then you can set this configuration through duplicable_config method:

 class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
   include Duplicate
   duplicable_config new_instance: true
   # ...
   attr_duplicable :images
   # ...


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