AfterShip Build Status Code Climate Gem Version

A smallish library to talking to AfterShip via v4 API. It currently supports those methods:

  • Get a list of trackings,
  • Get a particular tracking (with tracking_number + slug combination),
  • Create a tracking,
  • Update a tracking (with tracking_number + slug combination),
  • Get activated couriers.

I may implement other methods if I need them or if you are interested.

You will need an AfterShip API key, see here The JSON is parsed by MultiJson ( so you may want to drop in your favorite JSON engine.


Init the client

client = 'your-aftership-api-key')

Get a list of trackings

trackings = client.trackings

trackings.each do |tracking|
  puts tracking.tracking_number

  tracking.checkpoints.each do |checkpoint|
    puts "#{} #{checkpoint.checkpoint_time}"

Returns a list of AfterShip::Tracking objects:

  #<AfterShip::Tracking ...>,
  #<AfterShip::Tracking ...>,

Get a tracking

tracking = client.tracking('tracking-number', 'ups')

puts tracking.tracking_number

tracking.checkpoints.each do |checkpoint|
  puts "#{} #{checkpoint.checkpoint_time}"

Returns a AfterShip::Tracking object or raises a AfterShip::Error::NotFound if not found:

  @created_at=#<DateTime: 2014-11-19T15:16:17+00:00 ...>,
  @shipment_type="UPS SAVER",
  @signed_by="MET CUSTOM",
  @updated_at=#<DateTime: 2014-11-19T22:12:32+00:00 ...>,
      #<DateTime: 2014-11-11T19:12:00+00:00 ...>,
      #<DateTime: 2014-11-19T15:16:17+00:00 ...>,
      @message="PICKUP SCAN",
      @status="In Transit",
    #<AfterShip::Checkpoint ...>,

Create a new tracking

tracking = client.create_tracking('tracking-number', 'ups', order_id: 'external-id')

Returns a AfterShip::Tracking object or raises a AfterShip::Error::TrackingAlreadyExists if tracking already exists:

#<AfterShip::Tracking ...>

Update a tracking

tracking = client.update_tracking('tracking-number', 'ups', order_id: 'external-id')

Returns a AfterShip::Tracking object or raises a AfterShip::Error::NotFound if not found:

#<AfterShip::Tracking ...>

Get activated couriers

couriers = client.couriers

couriers.each do |courier|
  puts "#{} #{courier.other_name}"

Returns a list of AfterShip::Courier objects:

    @other_name="United States Postal Service",
    @phone="+1 800-275-8777",
  #<AfterShip::Courier ...>


The library can respond with all of the v4 errors. The first colum is HTTP status code, the second meta code. The indentation indicates inheritance.

| HTTP | Meta | Error class                                |
| 400  | 400  | AfterShip::Error::BadRequest               |
| 400  | 4001 |   AfterShip::Error::InvalidJsonData        |
| 400  | 4002 |   AfterShip::Error::InvalidJsonData        |
| 400  | 4003 |   AfterShip::Error::TrackingAlreadyExists  |
| 400  | 4004 |   AfterShip::Error::TrackingDoesNotExist   |
| 400  | 4005 |   AfterShip::Error::TrackingNumberInvalid  |
| 400  | 4006 |   AfterShip::Error::TrackingObjectRequired |
| 400  | 4007 |   AfterShip::Error::TrackingNumberRequired |
| 400  | 4008 |   AfterShip::Error::FieldInvalid           |
| 400  | 4009 |   AfterShip::Error::FieldRequired          |
| 400  | 4010 |   AfterShip::Error::SlugInvalid            |
| 400  | 4011 |   AfterShip::Error::CourierFieldInvalid    |
| 400  | 4012 |   AfterShip::Error::CourierNotDetected     |
| 400  | 4013 |   AfterShip::Error::RetrackNotAllowed      |
| 400  | 4016 |   AfterShip::Error::RetrackNotAllowed      |
| 400  | 4014 |   AfterShip::Error::NotificationRequired   |
| 400  | 4015 |   AfterShip::Error::IdInvalid              |
| 401  | 401  | AfterShip::Error::Unauthorized             |
| 403  | 403  | AfterShip::Error::Forbidden                |
| 404  | 404  | AfterShip::Error::NotFound                 |
| 429  | 429  | AfterShip::Error::TooManyRequests          |
| 500  | 500  | AfterShip::Error::InternalError            |
| 502  | 502  | AfterShip::Error::InternalError            |
| 503  | 503  | AfterShip::Error::InternalError            |
| 504  | 504  | AfterShip::Error::InternalError            |


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'after_ship'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install after_ship


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  1. E-mail me or create an issue.
  2. Fork it (
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature).
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature).
  6. Create a new Pull Request.