AEZ for Ruby Build Status Gem Version MIT License

AEZ binding for ruby. This library calls AEZv5 implementation in C using AES-NI hardware optimizations via FFI.


There are the following limitations from Ted Krovetz's C implementation:

  • Intel or ARM CPU supporting AES instructions
  • Faster if all pointers are 16-byte aligned.
  • Max 16 byte nonce, 16 byte authenticator
  • Single AD (AEZ spec allows vector AD but this code doesn't)
  • Max 2^32-1 byte buffers allowed (due to using unsigned int)

Note: This code has not been formally audited. Use at your own risk.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'aez'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install aez


require 'aez'

key = ['9adf7a023fbc4e663695f627a8d5b5c45f6752e375d19e11a669e6b949347d0cf5e0e2516ee285af365224976afa60be'].pack('H*')
nonce = ['799de3d90fbd6fed93b5f96cf9f4e852'].pack('H*')
ad = ['d6e278e0c6ede09d302d6fde09de77711a9a02fc8a049fb34a5e3f00c1cfc336d0'].pack('H*')
message = ['efea7ecfa45f51b52ce038cf6c0704392c2211bfca17a36284f63a902b37f0ab'].pack('H*')
abyte = 16

# Encryption
cipher_tex = AEZ.encrypt(key, message, ad, nonce, abyte)

# Decryption
plain_text = AEZ.decrypt(key, cipher_tex, ad, nonce, abyte)