AdStax Spark Job Manager

The AdStax Spark Job Manager is a gem to manager Spark jobs running in an AdStax cluster.


From RubyGems

Make sure you have ruby (at least v2.0.0) installed, and just run:

$ gem install adstax-spark-job-manager

From source

Clone this repo and build the gem:

$ git clone git://
$ gem build adstax-spark-job-manager.gemspec
$ gem install adstax-spark-job-manager-0.2.0.gem


The AdStax Spark Job Manager publishes an adstax-spark-job-manager binary, which provides a set of utilities to submit, kill and query the status of Spark jobs running on an AdStax cluster. See the help for the command (running it with -h) for more details.

The methods available are submit, kill, status or log. To submit a job, one has to provide the task with the --adstax-host parameter (pointing to where the AdStax instance is running), a --jar parameter pointing to a bundled jar with your application, all required dependencies, and which includes at least one implementation of eu.shiftforward.adstax.spark.SparkJob. Note that you don't need to bundle the spark-core dependency, as it will be provided at runtime. The --job parameter should be the fully qualified name of the class extending eu.shiftforward.adstax.spark.SparkJob and which is going to be used as the Spark job to run. Everything following the required parameters will be used as arguments for the SparkJob. For example, in order to submit the SparkPI example, one can use the following command:

$ adstax-spark-job-manager submit --adstax-host --jar --job eu.shiftforward.adstax.spark.examples.SparkPi 100

This command should return information about the submission, for example:

  "action" : "CreateSubmissionResponse",
  "serverSparkVersion" : "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
  "submissionId" : "driver-20160713161243-0002",
  "success" : true

You can now use the returned submission id to query the status of the job, as well as list its standard output. In order to query the status of the job, use the status command:

$ adstax-spark-job-manager status --adstax-host --submission-id driver-20160713161243-0002
  "action" : "SubmissionStatusResponse",
  "driverState" : "FINISHED",
  "message" : "task_id {\n  value: \"driver-20160713161243-0002\"\n}\nstate: TASK_FINISHED\nmessage: \"Command exited with status 0\"\nslave_id {\n  value: \"9f18159e-ebe9-4a70-89e1-9774adf2cdd6-S9\"\n}\ntimestamp: 1.468426400438861E9\nexecutor_id {\n  value: \"driver-20160713161243-0002\"\n}\nsource: SOURCE_EXECUTOR\n11: \"A\\371\\330\\365+\\027Ds\\237\\243\\\"\\317\\276\\353\\363\\367\"\n13: \"\\n\\036\\022\\f10.0.174.173*\\016\\022\\f10.0.174.173\"\n",
  "serverSparkVersion" : "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
  "submissionId" : "driver-20160713161243-0002",
  "success" : true

The log command allows you to output the stdout and stderr of the job's driver. You can hide the stderr with the --hide-stderr command and keep tailing the output with the --follow command:

$ adstax-spark-job-manager log --adstax-host --submission-id driver-20160713161243-0002 --hide-stderr --follow
Registered executor on
Starting task driver-20160713161243-0002
Forked command at 22260
sh -c 'cd spark-2*;  bin/spark-submit --name eu.shiftforward.adstax.spark.SparkJobRunner --master mesos://zk:// --driver-cores 1.0 --driver-memory 1024M --class eu.shiftforward.adstax.spark.SparkJobRunner --conf spark.driver.supervise=false --conf --conf --conf --conf spark.mesos.coarse=false --conf spark.executor.uri= ../adstax-spark-examples-1.0.jar --job eu.shiftforward.adstax.spark.examples.SparkPi 100'
Pi is roughly 3.1407
Command exited with status 0 (pid: 22260)

The kill command allows you to cancel and kill an ongoing job. Killing already finished jobs has no effect:

$ adstax-spark-job-manager kill --adstax-host --submission-id driver-20160713161243-0002
  "action" : "KillSubmissionResponse",
  "message" : "Driver already terminated",
  "serverSparkVersion" : "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
  "submissionId" : "driver-20160713161243-0002",
  "success" : false