ADP Userinfo Product Client Library for Ruby

The ADP Userinfo Product Client Library is used to obtain basic information about the user that is logged-in to the ADP application. The Library includes a sample demo client application that can be run out-of-the-box to connect to the ADP Marketplace API test gateway. This library has a dependancy on the adp-connection library. Installing this library also installs the latest version of the adp-connection library, if not previously installed.


1.0.0 (Beta)


There are two ways of installing and using this library:

  • Clone the repo from Github: This allows you to access the raw source code of the library as well as provide the ability to run the sample demo client application and view the Library documentation
  • Install gem from When you are ready to use the library in your own application use this method to install it using gem/bundle

Clone from Github

You can either use the links on Github or the command line git instructions below to clone the repo.

$ git clone adp-userinfo-ruby

followed by

$ cd adp-userinfo-ruby
$ rake -T
$ rake install:local

Run the sample demo client app

$ cd ./democlient
$ rackup

This starts an HTTP server on port 8889 (this port must be unused to run the sample application). You can point your browser to http://localhost:8889. The sample app allows you to connect to the ADP test API Gateway using the client_credentials and authorization_code grant types. For the authorization_code connection, you will be asked to provide an ADP username (MKPLDEMO) and password (marketplace1).

Clone from Github

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'adp-connection'
gem 'adp-product-userinfo'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install adp-product-userinfo


Start using the library by requiring the gem in your ruby files

require 'adp/connection'
require 'adp/product/userinfo'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

A demo client is included that uses the adp-product-userinfo gem. Check it out.


Create Client Credentials ADP Connection

Here is a Sinatra ( example

require 'yaml'
require 'tilt/erb'
require 'logger'
require 'adp/connection'
require 'adp/product/userinfo'

clientcredential_config = YAML.load('config/clientcredential_config.yml')).result)
authorizationcode_config = YAML.load('config/authorizationcode_config.yml')).result)

configure do
  Log =;"sinatra.log")
  Log.level  = Logger::DEBUG

class AdpConnectionRuby < Sinatra::Base

  enable :sessions
  set :public_folder => "public", :static => true

  #set :protection, :session => true
  set :port, 8889

  results = {
      :message =>  "Welcome",
      :auth_type => nil

  get '/client_credentials/login' do
    results[:auth_type] = :client_credentials
    results[:message] = nil
    connection = session["ClientCredential"]
    results[:userinfo] = nil

    if (connection.nil?)

      # get new connection configuration
      # YAML config object placed in yaml configuration files
      config = YAML.load_file('config/clientcredential_config.yml');

      if (!config || config.nil?)
        results[:message] = "Unable to load configuration settings from file (config/clientcredential_config.yml)"
          clientcredential_config =;

          connection = Adp::Connection::ApiConnectionFactory::createConnection(clientcredential_config)


          if (!connection.is_connected_indicator?)
            results[:message] = "Error attempting to establish a connection"
            Log.error "Not connected"
            Log.debug("Connected and ready for getting data");
            session["ClientCredential"] = connection;
    erb :client_credentials, :locals => { :view_bag => results }

  get '/authorization_code/get_userinfo' do
    results[:auth_type] = :authorization_code
    results[:message] = nil
    connection = session["AuthorizationCode"]

      Log.debug("Do we have a connection object? #{connection}")
      unless connection.nil? || connection.connection_configuration.authorizationCode.nil?
        Log.debug("Check if we are connected: #{connection.access_token}")
        if (connection.is_connected_indicator?)
          Log.debug("Getting helper object")
            helper =
          Log.debug("getting userinfo using helper object")
            json_data = helper.()
            results[:userinfo] =

            Log.debug("Got user info #{json_data}")
      Log.debug("Done getting userinfo #{results[:userinfo]}")
    rescue Adp::Connection::ConnectionException
      e = env['sinatra.error']
      results[:message] = "Connection error: #{e}"

    erb :authorization_code, :locals => { :view_bag => results}


API Documentation

Documentation on the individual API calls provided by the library is automatically generated from the library code. To generate the documentation, please complete the following steps:

# not applicable


Automated unit tests are available in tests folder. To run the tests, please complete the following steps.

rake spec

The above will also display tests & code coverage information.

# not applicable

The resulting report can be viewed by opening htmlcov/index.html in your browser.


This library has the following install dependencies. These are installed automatically as part of the 'make setup' or 'gem install adp-product-userinfo' if they don't exist.

  • json
  • adp-connection

This library has the following development/test dependencies. These are installed automatically as part of the 'make setup' if they don't exist.

  • bundler
  • rake
  • rspec


To contribute to the library, please generate a pull request. Before generating the pull request, please insure the following:

  1. Appropriate unit tests have been updated or created.
  2. Code coverage on the unit tests must be no less than 95%.
  3. Your code updates have been fully tested.
  4. Update and API documentation as appropriate.

Author: Junior Napier


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache License 2.0 (