
rubygems rubygems rubygems

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[adelnor]( is a dead simple, yet Rack-compatible, HTTP server written in Ruby.

## Requirements


## Installation
$ gem install adelnor

Development tooling

Make and Docker

Using make

$ make help


Usage: make <target>
  help                       Prints available commands
  sample.server              Runs a sample server in the port 3000
  bundle.install             Installs the Ruby gems
  bash                       Creates a container Bash
  run.tests                  Runs Unit tests
  rubocop                    Runs code linter
  ci                         Runs Unit tests in CI
  gem.publish                Publishes the gem to (auth required)
  gem.yank                   Removes a specific version from the Rubygems

Running a sample server in development

$ make bundle.install
$ make sample.server

Open http://localhost:3000