Build Status

Address Logic

This is a simple library that takes away the annoyances of displaying addresses in a view. Since various parts of an address can sometimes be optional, such as "street2", displaying addresses was not fun:

Example ERB use

<%= address.street1 %>
<% if !address.street2.blank? %> <%= address.street2 %> <% end %>
<%= ", #addressaddress.state" %>
<%= %>

That's just ugly. Instead, you can do this with Address Logic:

<%= address.address_parts.join("
") %>

Example HAML use

# some HAML view = address.street1 %br

  • if !address.street2.blank? = address.street2 %br ==, #addressaddress.state %br =

That's just ugly. Instead, you can do this with Address Logic:

= address.address_parts.join("

Or, what about a single line address?

= address.address_parts.join(", ")

Maybe you only want city and state:

= address.address_parts(:only => [:city, :state]).join(", ")

Granted the above is probably easier without using AddressLogic, but it will purge any blank items in the address, so if city or state are optional then it would be cleaner to use AddressLogic.

Build Notes

This should compile and build on Ruby 1.8.7/ree, MRI 1.9.x, JRuby and Rubunius, but is only officially supported under MRI 1.9.3

Install and use

Install from rubygems

$ sudo gem install addresslogic_rails

Then just include the AddressLogic module into any class of your choice. All that it assumes is that you have the street1, street2, city, state, zip, country (optional) methods.

class Address apply_addresslogic end

You can specify the fields too:

class Address apply_addresslogic :fields => [:street1, :street2, :city, [:state, :zip], :country] end

  • Better Documentation: (Coming soon)
  • Copyright (c) 2009 Ben Johnson of Binary Logic, released under the MIT license
  • This release (c) 2011 Mike Simkins of G7OBS Software, released under the MIT license