
Bundles your JavaScript and CSS, so your development environment is simple to code and your production environment is as fast as possible.


First, install the gem:

sudo gem install adamh-asset_library --source

Next, add the gem into your Rails project’s config/environment.rb:

config.gem 'adamh-asset_library', :lib => 'asset_library', :source => ''

Finally, include the Rake tasks in your project:

echo "require 'asset_library/rake_tasks'" > lib/tasks/asset_library.rake


In your Rails project, edit config/asset_library.yml as described in the following section.

Once configured, asset_library provides two helper methods for your views:

<%# outputs library.js (production) or its files (development) %>
<%= asset_library_javascript_tags(:javascripts) %>

<%# outputs library.css (production) or its files (development) %>
<%= asset_library_stylesheet_tags(:stylesheets) %>

<%# outputs library.ie6.css (production) or its files (development) %>
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
  <%= asset_library_stylesheet_tags(:stylesheets, :ie6) %>

Both helpers behave differently depending on whether ActionController::Base.perform_caching is true (that is, whether you are in development environment or not). When caching is disabled, each file in the module will be included. (Internet Explorer only allows 30 style and link stylesheet tags; in development mode, import rules are used to work around the bug.) When caching is enabled, a single tag is output.

When caching is enabled, the modules to include must be generated using:

rake asset_library:write

These moduels can be removed using:

rake asset_library:clean

A cached module is simply the concatenation of its constituent files.


A typical configuration (Yaml) file might look like this. In Rails, this should be in config/asset_library.yml.

  cache: library
  optional_suffix: compressed
  base: javascripts
  suffix: js
    - vendor/jquery

    # jQuery UI parts we need
    - vendor/jquery-ui/ui.core
    - vendor/jquery-ui/ui.draggable
    - vendor/jquery-ui/ui.droppable
    - vendor/jquery-ui/ui.sortable
    - vendor/jquery-ui/effects.core

    - lib
    - plugins/*
    - application
    - initializers/*

  # TinyMCE doesn't give us a choice on cache name
  cache: vendor/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip
  optional_suffix: compressed
  base: javascripts
  suffix: js
    - vendor/tiny_mce/tiny_mce
    # ... it's possible to bundle all of TinyMCE together with a bit of magic

  cache: library
  base: stylesheets
  suffix: css
    - ie6: [null, ie8, ie7, ie6]
    - ie7: [null, ie8, ie7]
    - ie8: [null, ie8]
    - reset
    - application
    - layout
    - views/**/*

# in general...
#  cache: cache_file
#  base: base_path_of_assets_in_web_root
#  suffix: suffix ("css" or "js")
#  formats:
#    format1: ["extra_suffix_1", "extra_suffix_2"]
#    format2: [null, "extra_suffix3"]
#  optional_suffix: optional_suffix
#  files:
#    - file1_relative_to_base
#    - file2_relative_to_base
#    - ...

Here are what the various configuration elements mean:

module_name is the name of the module. It is passed as the first parameter to asset_library_javascript_tags or asset_library_stylesheet_tags.

cache is a filename, without suffix, relative to base, where the module will be bundled when caching is enabled. (Ensure that files does not include cache_file, even with globbing.)

base is the base path of the assets in URLs. For instance, in Rails, where stylesheets are usually served under /stylesheets, base should be stylesheets.

suffix is either “js” or “css”, depending on whether you are including JavaScript or CSS files.

formats allows construction of parallel modules. By default, for a module named styles will use *.css (where * is specified by the files option) to generate styles.css; but filenames of the format *.suffix.css will be ignored in that search. If a format called format1 is specified as [suffix1, suffix2], then *.suffix1.css and *.suffix2.css will be included, but not *.css. (To specify *.css, put null in the format list.)

optional_suffix will cause asset_library to check for the existence of files with optional_suffix suffixes, falling back to files without optional_suffix if necessary. For instance, if you run all your JavaScript files through YUI Compressor and output the compressed version of file1.js as file1.compressed.js, then set optional_suffix to compressed. In your development environment, where compressed javascripts are missing, file1.js will be included and you can debug your JavaScript. In your production environment, create the compressed JavaScripts in the same directory, and they will be included instead, for optimal download speed.

files is a list of files, relative to base. File globbing is allowed; ** expands to “any nesting of directories”. Files which do not exist will be excluded; globbing will include/exclude files with formats as appropriate; and files without optional_suffix will not be output alongside files with the same name endowed with the suffix.

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However, I do kindly request that, as a favor, you refrain from using my software as part of an evil plan involving velociraptors and mind-controlling robots (even though I would not be legally entitled to sue you for doing so).