
ActsAsReadable allows you to create a generic relationship of items which can be marked as ‘read’ by users. This is useful for forums or any other kind of situation where you might need to know whether or not a user has seen a particular model.




class Post < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_readable end

bob = User.find_by_name(“bob”)

bob.readings # => []

Post.unread_by(bob) # => [<Post 1>,<Post 2>,<Post 3>…] Post.read_by(bob) # => []

Post.find(1).read_by?(bob) # => false Post.find(1).read_by!(bob) # => <Reading 1> Post.find(1).read_by?(bob) # => true Post.find(1).readers # => [<User bob>]

Post.unread_by(bob) # => [<Post 2>,<Post 3>…] Post.read_by(bob) # => [<Post 1>]

bob.readings # => [<Reading 1>]

Upgrading from 2.3.x to 2.4.0

Version 2.4.0 now supports reading and querying against STI subclasses, even when the read and queried subclass don’t match. This requires you to migrate the ‘readings.readable_type` column data to the base class name of the stored class name, as in versions prior to 2.4.0 the column stored the class name of whatever instance was being read, event STI subclasses.


There are multiple gemfiles available for testing against different Rails versions. Set ‘BUNDLE_GEMFILE` to target them, e.g.

bundle install
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=gemfiles/rails7.gemfile bundle exec rspec

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