Acts as Newsletter

This gem allows you to quickly implement a newsletter model without coding the whole model management logic.


Just add the gem to your Gemfile and bundle :

gem "acts_as_newsletter"

To configure it, if needed, you can generate the default initializer with :

rails generate acts_as_newsletter:install


Use the generator to generate the migration for your model :

# If your model is Newsletter
rails generate acts_as_newsletter newsletter

Now just add the acts_as_newsletter macro in your model, passing it a block which returns a list of e-mail addresses to which the newsletter will be sent.

The block is passed the current Newsletter object so you can configure the way emails are retrieved for each different newsletter :

class Newsletter < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :emails_list

  acts_as_newsletter do |newsletter|
    emails newsletter.emails_list.emails.pluck(:email)
    # Assuming your mailer views are in app/views/newsletters/
    template_path "newsletters"
    # Set newsletters/newsletter.(html|text).erb
    layout "newsletter"
    # Get your mail template dynamically
    template_name newsletter.type.template

Sending it

Let's suppose you configured your Newsletter model, and created your mailer view file, so everything is ready to be sent.

All what you need to do is to use the provided default rake task :

rake acts_as_newsletter:send_next

But wait ... it doesn't do anything by default since we can't know which model is actually a newsletter - well we don't want acts_as_newsletter to know it - and your sending logic may be custom. So the easiest way to configure it is to uncomment the specified block in your config/initializers/acts_as_newsletter.rb file and define your logic, or let the default here :

config.send_next = proc {

Now run rake acts_as_newsletter:send_next and it should send your e-mails !


It uses MIT Licence so you can do whatever you want with it