Class: ActsAsIcontact::ContactHistory

Subresource show all
Defined in:


The read-only list of actions attached to every Contact. Because of this intrinsic association, the usual #find methods don’t work; contact history must be obtained using the individual contact’s #history method.

Property updates and saving are also prohibited (returning a ReadOnlyError exception.)

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Subresource


Method Summary

Methods included from ReadOnly

#cannot_save, #method_missing

Methods inherited from Subresource

cannot_query, #initialize, scoped_find

Methods inherited from Resource

#==, all, #connection, #error, #errors, find, find_by_id, first, #id, #initialize, #inspect, #method_missing, #new_record?, #property_names, #save, #save!

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ActsAsIcontact::Subresource

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class ActsAsIcontact::ReadOnly