
A Rails plugin for exposing non-sequential (Youtube-like) string IDs instead of the sequential integer IDs provided by Rails.

Before, your API may look like

GET /users/123
  "id": 123,
  "name": "Alice O'User"


GET /users/9w63Hubh4oL
  "id": "9w63Hubh4oL",
  "name": "Alice O'User"

Exposing sequential integer IDs has several drawbacks:

Rails makes heavy use of sequential integer IDs internally, but there's no need of exposing them. ActsAsHavingStringId provides an alternative string representation of your IDs. This representation is

base62(tea(id, md5( + Rails.application.secrets.string_id_key)))

The representation looks something like "E0znqip4mRA".

tea above is the "New variant" of the Tiny Encryption Algorithm. You should probably not consider your id to be forever secret, but it should be pretty hard to figure out from the string representation.

Your controllers will continue to work without modification, but will start to accept string IDs. So if worked before, something like should magically work.

You do however need to take care never to expose the id member of your models. Instead, use id_string.


First, set up your secrets.yml:

  string_id_key: notverysecret

  string_id_key: notverysecreteither

  string_id_key: <%= ENV["STRING_ID_KEY"] %>

Then, call the method in your model class:

class MyModel < ApplicationRecord

The string representation is now available as id_string on your model object. As an example:

> m = MyModel.create!
=> 1
> m.id_string
=> "7EajpSfdWIf"

All ActiveRecord functions will also accept the string representation as input:

> MyModel.find("7EajpSfdWIf")
=> #<MyModel id: 1, created_at: "2016-08-31 13:27:02", updated_at: "2016-08-31 13:27:02">
> MyModel.where(id: "7EajpSfdWIf")
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<MyModel id: 1, created_at: "2016-08-31 13:27:02", updated_at: "2016-08-31 13:27:02">]>

Then, for exposing your string ID, use the id_string method. For example, if you're using ActiveModelSerializers:

class UserSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
  attributes :id, :name

  def id

And that's just about it!


  • Publish on rubygems
  • Since the MyModel.find("7EajpSfdWIf") functionality depends on the argument now being a string, MyModel.find("5") will no longer mean MyModel.find(5), but rather MyModel.find(4387534) or something. Is that a problem?
  • It's a potential security problem that we don't force strings from controllers (integer id coming from JSON postdata will make it find by original id)
  • Although TEA handles (and outputs) 64-bit ids, we currently limit the input to 32-bit


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'acts_as_having_string_id'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install acts_as_having_string_id


To contribute, fork the repo, edit the code and create a pull request with tests. :)


The Tiny Encryption Algorithm was created by David Wheeler and Roger Needham of the Cambridge Computer Laboratory. This library's implementation is based on this code by Jeremy Hinegardner.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.