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A mountable Rails engine for both recording activity and displaying activity on a persisted object.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'activity_engine'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Then run:

$ rails g activity_engine:install

Register a Method

To record activity, register a class and method via a Rails generator.

$ rails g activity_engine:register <ClassName> <MethodName> <Subject>

Or by hand in a config/post_initializers/activity_engine_config.rb

ActivityEngine.register('<ClassName>', '<MethodName>') do |activity,context|
  activity.subject = context.<subject>
  activity.user = context.current_user
  activity.activity_type = "an arbitrary type"
  activity.message = "A particulare message?"

Then, whenever the ClassName#MethodName is invoke an activity will be recorded.