= Active SMS -- A framework for sending and receiving SMS messages.

Active SMS is a collection of classes and templates for easily sending and
receiving SMS messages from within a Ruby on Rails application. It is
modeled on the standard Action Mailer package for sending emails to provide
a familiar framework with which to send messages.

== Supported Gateways

Active SMS will require a valid account from a third party SMS gateway to
send or receive SMS messages. The following gateways are currently supported:

* BulkSMS[http://www.bulksms.com]
* Clickatell[http://www.clickatell.com]
* Simplewire[http://www.simplewire.com] (requires jruby)

Not all features are supported by all gateways.

== License

Active SMS is released under the MIT license.

== Download

The latest version of Active SMS can be found at

* http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=2923

== Installation

The preferred method of installing Active SMS is through its GEM file.
You will need to have RubyGems[http://rubygems.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl]
installed for that, though.

% [sudo] gem install activesms

== Simplewire Configuration

* Make sure you are using jruby
* Make sure swsms.jar is in your classpath (Download at: http://www.simplewire.com/developers/sdk/java/)
* Add the following configuration code to the rails environment.

:adapter => "simplewire",
:subscriber_id => "id",
:subscriber_password => "password"

== Support

The Active SMS homepage is http://activesms.rubyforge.org. You can find the
Active SMS RubyForge page at http://rubyforge.org/projects/activesms.