
This is a rails gem which can help you dump or export models to google spreadsheet easily.

TODO: Apply to_google_spreadsheet to ARRAY


  1. Add this line to your application's Gemfile: sh gem 'google_drive' gem 'activerecord_to_google_spreadsheet'
  2. Add file to config/initializers/activerecord_to_google_spreadsheet.rb

    require 'activerecord_to_google_spreadsheet'
    ActiveRecordToGoogleSpreadsheet.configure do |config|
    config.client_id = "$GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"
    config.client_secret = "$GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET"
    config.redirect_uri = "$CALLBACK_URL"

    And then execute:

    $ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install activerecord_to_google_spreadsheet


Then you can use following api.

ActiveRecordToGoogleSpreadsheet.dump_to_spreadsheet(session, "$SPREADSHEET_KEY")

Then you can see your databases show on$SPREADSHEET_KEY/

You can also restore databases from google spreadsheet by following api.

ActiveRecordToGoogleSpreadsheet.restore_from_spreadsheet(session, "$SPREADSHEET_KEY")

Then your databases will apply data from google spreadsheet.

There are some other api like this.

Product.where('price < 50').to_google_spreadsheet(session, "$SPREADSHEET_KEY", row_offset: 10, worksheet_title: true)

The variable session is GoogleDrive::Session.

You can follow the following url to get GoogleDrive::Session.

Or ActiveRecordToGoogleSpreadsheet provide other way to get session.

//You can use the following code to login google account to grant auth code
redirect_to ActiveRecordToGoogleSpreadsheet.google_login_url

//Then put following code to the callback url controller function

//Then you can get session now.
session = ActiveRecordToGoogleSpreadsheet.get_session()

Good Luck.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.