ActiveRecord Type Traits

This library provides a series of classes to obtain type information of ActiveRecord models, attributes and associations.

This library is focused only on standard ActiveRecord features and will not provide information for ActiveRecord plugins such as Globalize, CarrierWave, Paranoid and others.

API design is done in good and clear manner for best understanding.

All base ActiveRecord features are supported.

Supported advanced ActiveRecord features:

  1. has_many, has_one, has_and_belongs_to_many, belongs_to associations
  2. Intermediate and through (deep) associations
  3. Polymorphic associations
  4. Single Table Inheritance
  5. SQL Join metadata

Example of usage

  class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_many :articles
    has_one :photo, as: :imageable

  class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
    belongs_to :author

  class Photo
    belongs_to :imageable, polymorphic: true

  Author.traits.associations[:articles].has_many?                    # => true
  Author.traits.associations[:articles].to.active_record             # => Article
  Author.traits.associations[:articles].paired_through_polymorphism? # => true

  Photo.traits.associations[:imageable].polymorphic?                          # => true
  Photo.traits.associations[:imageable].accepted_classes_through_polymorphism # => [Author]
  Photo.traits.attributes[:imageable_type].polymorphic_type?                  # => true

  Article.traits.attributes[:author_id].foreign_key?                          # => true 

  class Present < ActiveRecord::Base

  class Toy < Present

  class VideoGame < Present

  Present.traits.inheritance_base? # => true
  Toy.traits.inheritance_derived?  # => true
  Toy.traits.inheritance_chain     # => [Present, Toy]


gem 'activerecord-traits', github: 'yivo/activerecord-traits'