Ingres Ruby ActiveRecord Adapter/Driver

This repository contains code based on the outdated gem provided by Actian support for recent Ingres releases and Rails 3/4 compatibility. Bear in mind that not everything may be functional. As of today here's a list of what you can do (will update this as I go):

  • SELECT statements are fully functionals.


Three components provide Ingres support for Ruby:

  • Ingres Ruby driver - native SQL-level interface
  • Ingres ActiveRecord adapter - object relational adapater for Ruby on Rails
  • Ingres Arel Visitor binding - specific visitor bindings for Arel

All components are required for Rails applications using ActiveRecord, which is the standard Rails Object-to-Relations Mapping (ORM) interface. The adapter implements the ActiveRecord classes for Ingres; internally, it invokes the classes and methods in the driver to actually communicate with Ingres. The driver, while primarily intended to service the adapter, can also be invoked directly from any Ruby program to communicate with Ingres. The driver interface does not follow any standard API and may change in the future.

Installation Considerations

To build and install the Ingres Ruby interface, the following components are required:

  • Ingres 9.1 or above. At a minimum, an Ingres client installation is required on the same machine as the Ruby installation. For a list of Ingres binary and source downloads, see
  • Ruby, preferably at version 1.9.3 or later. Additional Ruby components or related products (such as ActiveRecord or Rails) may also be required depending on how Ruby will be used with Ingres. See below for details.
  • C compiler (for example, GNU/C on Linux and UNIX, or Microsoft Visual Studio 6 on Windows). The C compiler is not needed if you are using using a pre-built version of the Ingres Ruby driver. Note: It is not possible to build Ruby extensions with newer versions of the Visual Studio C compiler without making changes to the Ruby header files.
  • The Ingres Ruby ActiveRecord adapter source code and driver binary. The source code for the driver also is needed if not using the pre-built binary.


Rails 3.2.x

I maintain compatibility for Rails 3.2.x and Arel 3 in the 3-0-stable branch. Using rubygems you can do:

$ gem install activerecord-ingres-adapter -v 3.0.2

Rails 4

I maintain compatibility for Rails 4 and Arel 4/5 in the 4-0-stable branch. Using rubygems you can do:

$ gem install activerecord-ingres-adapter -v 4.0.0


  • Add support for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements.
  • Add support for table manipulation/migrations.
  • Add support for database creation/deletion.


I'm not in any part working for Actian, I'm just a third-party developer trying to make do with what I can. If some things aren't working I'm willing to help and provide limited support.

If you want to help you're more than welcome to.