
Just looking at an ActiveRecord class can be cognitively cumbersome. Not only do you have to comprehend all the scopes, relations, validations, etc, present in the file, but at the same time you have mentally overlay the database table that it represents in order to get the full picture.

Why should you required to reconcile two related mental models in realtime in order to comprehend your own, or somebody else's code?

ActiveRecord::Attributes is a simple way to annotate and sanity check your record classess so that they can be both understood and known to be correct.


Declare attributes in your record class

    class Artist < ActiveRecord::Base
      attribute :name
      attribute :discipline

Upon loading this class, the attribute declaration will assert that the columns corresponding to :name and :discipline do indeed exist and fail fast otherwise.

That's it!


Existential column assertions are all well and good, but in the context of migrations, the columns that back an active record's attributes could be in flux. For this reason, there is the facility to disable sanity checking:

ActiveRecord::Attributes.without_assertions do


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'activerecord-attributes'