Rails <3 Disque

This gem provides a simple way to use antirez's Disque as a backend for your Rails ActiveJob workers.

Installation and Setup

Add this gem to your Gemfile.

gem 'rails', '4.2.3'
gem 'activejob_disque_adapter'

And set your Rails application to use it in config/application.rb (or config/environments/*, depending on your preference)

module YourApp
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.active_job.queue_adapter = :disque

That's all you need! You can then go on to write standard ActiveJob classes, which will be enqueued to Disque when you call #perform_later on them.

Running your jobs

This gem also includes a handy class called Disque::ActiveJobWorker and a rake task that leverages it. In order to run your jobs you can simply call rake disque:work from your Procfile, like so:

disque_high: DISQUE_QUEUES=urgent  rake disque:work
disque_all: DISQUE_QUEUES=urgent,medium,low rake disque:work


You can configure the Disque adapter and Worker programatically or via environment variables, this is the list of configurable parameters:

Parameter ENV Variable Default Value Description
Nodes DISQUE_NODES 'localhost:7711' This is the list of Disque servers to connect to, it can be a single node, a list of comma-separated nodes or an array of nodes (when done programatically)
Auth DISQUE_AUTH '' Authorization credentials for Disque.
Timeout DISQUE_TIMEOUT '100' Time in milliseconds that the client will wait for the Disque server to acknowledge and replicate a job
Cycle DISQUE_CYCLE '1000' The client keeps track of which nodes are providing more jobs, after the amount of operations specified in cycle it tries to connect to the preferred node.
Queues DISQUE_QUEUES 'default' The list of queues that Disque::ActiveJobWorker will listen to, it can be a single queue name, a list of comma-separated queues or an array of queue names (when done programatically)

Environment Variables



# Keep in mind #run is a blocking action, it will loop through the queues finding jobs to execute.
  queues: %w(urgent medium)