Active Admin Medium Editor Gem Version CircleCI

An Active Admin plugin to use medium-editor, a compact and clean WYSIWYG editor.



  • After the installation, select some text in the editor
  • A pop-up menu is shown with the available buttons
  • Click on a button and the effect will be applied to the selected text


  • After installing Active Admin, add to your Gemfile: gem 'activeadmin_medium_editor' (and execute bundle)
  • Add at the end of your Active Admin styles (app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss): scss @import 'activeadmin/medium_editor/medium_editor'; @import 'activeadmin/medium_editor_input'; @import 'activeadmin/medium_editor/themes/default'; // or another theme
  • Add at the end of your Active Admin javascripts (app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js): js //= require activeadmin/medium_editor/medium_editor //= require activeadmin/medium_editor_input
  • Use the input with as: :medium_editor in Active Admin model conf
  • data-options: permits to set medium-editor options directly - see options list (examples below)

Why 2 separated scripts/styles? In this way you can include a different version of medium-editor if you like

UPDATE FROM VERSION < 0.2.8: please change your app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss using the new import lines above


Basic usage

# Active Admin post form conf:
  form do |f|
    f.inputs 'Post' do
      f.input :title
      f.input :description, as: :medium_editor, input_html: { data: { options: '{"spellcheck":false,"toolbar":{"buttons":["bold","italic","underline","anchor"]}}' } }
      f.input :published

Buttons configuration

toolbar = { buttons: %w[bold italic underline strikethrough subscript superscript anchor image quote pre orderedlist unorderedlist indent outdent justifyLeft justifyCenter justifyRight justifyFull h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 removeFormat html] }
f.input :description, as: :medium_editor, input_html: { data: { options: { toolbar: toolbar } } }

For details about the buttons' effect please refer to medium-editor documentation.

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Take a look at other Active Admin components that I made if you are curious.


  • Mattia Roccoberton: author
  • The good guys that opened issues and pull requests from time to time


The gem is available as open-source under the terms of the MIT.