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Provides a graph-based persistence strategy for the ActiveTriples framework. ActiveTriples::RDFSources are persisted to MongoDB natively as Compacted JSON-LD documents.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'active_triples-mongoid_strategy'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install active_triples-mongoid_strategy


Start by configuring Mongoid for your environment or application as per the documentation.

Persistence strategies currently (as of ActiveTriples 0.8.1) use RDF::Repository as the default persistence strategy. To override this, you have to inject MongoidStrategy into RDFSource instances at runtime:

require 'active_triples/mongoid_strategy'

source =
source.persistence_strategy # => #<ActiveTriples::RepositoryStrategy:...>

source.persistence_strategy # => #<ActiveTriples::MongoidStrategy:...>


Please observe the following guidelines:

  • Do your work in a feature branch based on master and rebase before submitting a pull request.
  • Write tests for your contributions.
  • Document every method you add using YARD annotations. (Note: Annotations are sparse in the existing codebase, help us fix that!)
  • Organize your commits into logical units.
  • Don't leave trailing whitespace (i.e. run git diff --check before committing).
  • Use well formed commit messages.