
Chainable ActiveRecord restrictions.

<img src=“” />


Restrictions are made via join tables between two models and a User object. Imagine these models:

+-------+       +---------------+      +------------+    +--------------+       +------+
| Fubar |<*----- FubarPermission|<-----| Permission |--->|UserPermission|-----*>| User |
+-------+       +---------------+      +------------+    +--------------+       +------+

Our model definitions would look something like:

class Permission < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :fubar_permissions, :dependent => :destroy
  has_many :fubars, :through => :fubar_permissions
  has_many :user_permissions, :dependent => :destroy
  has_many :users, :through => :user_permissions

class FubarPermission < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :fubar
  belongs_to :permission

class Fubar < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :fubar_permissions, :dependent => :destroy
  has_many :permissions, :through => :fubar_permissions

class UserPermission < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :permission

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :user_permissions, :dependent => :destroy
  has_many :users, :through => :user_permissions

Now, suppose a User should only be allowed to to see a Fubar instance if the Fubar instance and the User both have the same permission assigned to them. We modify Fubar like so:

class Fubar < ActiveRecord::Base
  include ActiveRestrictor

    :enabled => lambda{ User.current_user.fubars_enabled? },
    :views => {
      :value => :name,
      :multiple => true,
      :default_view_all => true,
      :user_values_only => lambda{ User.current_user }

A quick overview of what these options are doing.

  • :enabled -> Restrictor is applied/not applied. This can be a static value or it can be a callable block to allow dynamic enabling

  • :value -> This is the attribute on the Permission model that is displayed to the user

  • :multiple -> Allows multiple Permissions to be applied on the restriction

  • :default_view_all -> If Fubar has no Permissions applied, it is viewable by all

  • :user_values_only -> Only Permissions assigned to the user will be viewable in edit mode

With the inclusion of the restrictor, we now have two new methods available. The first is on User instances:

User.first.allowed_fubars -> Returns scoping of Fubars the given user instance has access to

The second is on Fubar instances:

Fubar.first.allowed_users -> Returns scoping of the Users allowed to acces this instance

View Helpers


    %td= 'Name'
  - display_full_restictors(@fubar).each do |pair|
      %td= "#{pair.first}:"
      %td= pair.last


- form_for(@fubar) do |f|
      %td= 'Name:'
      %td= f.text_field :name
    - edit_full_restrictors(@fubar, f).each do |pair|
        %td= "#{pair.first}:"
        %td= pair.last

Restrictor Types

Basic User

  • TODO

Basic Model

  • TODO


  • TODO


  • TODO

Custom Restrictors

User custom

  • TODO

Model custom

  • TODO


  • Please report any bugs via gihub issues

Currently ‘User’ is static within the code. This will be removed in the future to allow restrictors to be applied to any two models.