Active Model Validates Intersection Of

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A custom validation for Active Model that check if an array is included in another one.

Identical to the method validates_inclusion_of from ActiveModel but for array comparison.

Consider an User model that have some set of “default” permissions.

ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base DEFAULT_PERMISSION = ["read", "write", "share"] validates_intersection_of :permission, in: DEFAULT_PERMISSION end

If you want to validate your user based on an array:

```ruby user = [“read”, “share”]) user.valid? #true

user = [“read”, “admin”]) user.valid? #false ```

This active model custom validation is for you!


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem "active_model_validates_intersection_of"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install active_model_validates_intersection_of

If your framework doesn’t auto require gems, don’t forget to do it after require of active_model gem.

ruby require "active_model" require "active_model_validates_intersection_of"



  • :in - Parameter is required. (Supports: Array, proc and lambda)
  • :within - Optional: A synonym(alias) for :in
  • :message - Optional: Specifies a custom error message


You can use the intersection validation in three differents ways: (Feel free to use what you liked more :))

```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base DEFAULT_PERMISSION = [“read”, “write”, “share”]

# Using the alias validates_intersection_of validates_intersection_of :permission, in: DEFAULT_PERMISSION, message: “invalid permission” validates_intersection_of :permission, within: DEFAULT_PERMISSION, message: “invalid permission”

# proc and lambda support validates_intersection_of :permission, in: proc { DEFAULT_PERMISSION }, message: “invalid permission” validates_intersection_of :permission, in: lambda { |l| DEFAULT_PERMISSION }, message: “invalid permission”

# Using the validator explicit: validates_with ActiveModelValidatesIntersectionOf::Validator, attributes: [:permission], in: DEFAULT_PERMISSION validates_with ActiveModelValidatesIntersectionOf::Validator, attributes: [:permission], within: DEFAULT_PERMISSION

#Using the validator implicit: validates :permission, intersection: { in: DEFAULT_PERMISSION, message: “invalid permission” } validates :permission, intersection: { within: DEFAULT_PERMISSION, message: “invalid permission” }

end ```


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


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  2. Create a feature branch - git checkout -b more_magic
  3. Add tests and make your changes
  4. Check if tests are ok - rake spec
  5. Commit changes - git commit -am "Added more magic"
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