
Rack middleware to log the number of instantiated ActiveRecord models in a request. Helpful to see how many objects you're instantiating. First step to recognize you have a problem.

Logs a message like:

Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 3 | UserSession: 1 | User: 1 | UserDevice: 1


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'active-record-instance-count'

Then provide an initializer, like config/initializers/active_record_instance_counter.rb:

YourApp::Application.middleware.use( ActiveRecordInstanceCount::Middleware, :logger => Rails.logger )

Provide a different Logger instance if you would like to redirect the output somewhere else. But keep in mind that no more context will be provided (e.g. the request details) so it might be fairly useless.


Heavily inspired from Oink