
This is a small add-on to ActionView::Component to make your components update automatically when data is changed serverside.


Lets say you have a MiniBasketComponent that is renders the small basket in the top of your webshop. Wouldn't it be nice if that just updated it self whenever a change happens to the draft order?

First lets create a small component for our mini basket. This component requires a DraftOrder and will listen to any change to the draft order it renders.

class MiniBasketComponent < ActionView::Component::Base
  include ActionView::Component::Live::Subscriber

  listen_to :draft_order

  def initialize(draft_order:)
    @order = draft_order

  def count

  def id

Important! There is a strict naming requirement on the listen_to part and named argument in initialize!

Then the component view. The view that should be auto updated must be wrapped in a element that attaches to a Stimulus controller called LiveController. It needs the name of the component and the id of the object that it is attached to.

<div data-controller="live" data-live-component="MiniBasketComponent" data-live-id="<%= id %>">
  <b><%= count %> products in basket</b>

Finally we need to tell our DraftOrder to broadcast changes.

class DraftOrder < ApplicationRecord
  include ActionView::Component::Live::Broadcaster

Thats it. Now any update your draft order will be broadcast through ActionCable and your view will update in real time.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'actionview-component-live'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Add stimulus controller

$ yarn add stimulus-actionview-live

Add these 2 lines to your app/javascript/controllers/index.js

import LiveController from "stimulus-actionview-live"
application.register("live", LiveController)


Running the tests requires a Redis server to have ActionCable running in a productionlike environment. This might seem like a bit overkill but this way one system test will test the entire gem.

In the test/dummy app there is a complete example of a live updating component.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Nice to have

  • install generator that does yarn add and adds lines to stimulus controllers file
  • find a way to do collection updates, a component that lists many items
  • move the component wrapper div out of component (to avoid unsubscribe/subscribe on all updates)
  • could we do something for components that rely on multiple objects?
  • allow the listen to method to accept a list of attributes so we only get updates to relevant things