Module: Text

Defined in:


– Text::Format for Ruby Version 0.63

Copyright © 2002 - 2003 Austin Ziegler

$Id: format.rb,v 2004/10/14 11:59:57 webster132 Exp $

Revision History

YYYY.MM.DD Change ID Developer


2002.10.18 Austin Ziegler

Fixed a minor problem with tabs not being counted. Changed
abbreviations from Hash to Array to better suit Ruby's
capabilities. Fixed problems with the way that Array arguments
are handled in calls to the major object types, excepting in
Text::Format#expand and Text::Format#unexpand (these will
probably need to be fixed).

2002.10.30 Austin Ziegler

Fixed the ordering of the <=> for binary tests. Fixed
Text::Format#expand and Text::Format#unexpand to handle array
arguments better.

2003.01.24 Austin Ziegler

Fixed a problem with Text::Format::RIGHT_FILL handling where a
single word is larger than #columns. Removed Comparable
capabilities (<=> doesn't make sense; == does). Added Symbol
equivalents for the Hash initialization. Hash initialization has
been modified so that values are set as follows (Symbols are
highest priority; strings are middle; defaults are lowest):
    @columns = arg[:columns] || arg['columns'] || @columns
Added #hard_margins, #split_rules, #hyphenator, and #split_words.

2003.02.07 Austin Ziegler

Fixed the installer for proper case-sensitive handling.

2003.03.28 Austin Ziegler

Added the ability for a hyphenator to receive the formatter
object. Fixed a bug for strings matching /\A\s*\Z/ failing
entirely. Fixed a test case failing under 1.6.8.

2003.04.04 Austin Ziegler

Handle the case of hyphenators returning nil for first/rest.

2003.09.17 Austin Ziegler

Fixed a problem where #paragraphs(" ") was raising


Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Format