
Gem Version Code Climate

A permission structure for defining both action-based and attribute-based permissions for rails 4+ applications.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'action_permission'

And then execute:

$ bundle
$ rails generate action_permission:install


ActionPermission assumes you have the concept of user roles/levels/segments. This can be any field on any object. It's core action is to load permissions that correspond to the controller handling the current request, determine the user's access level, and call a method on the permission object that corresponds to that level. A permission file might look like this:

class BooksPermission < ApplicationPermission

  def params
    [:name, :author, :isbn, :page_count, :price]

  def guest
    allow [:index, :show]

  match_with :guest, :member

  def editor
    allow [:index, :show, :new]
    allow [:create, :edit, :update, :destroy] do |user| ==
    allow_params except: [:price]

  def admin

  • the params method can be used to define attributes allowed to be modified by that user level in addition to their allowed actions, which can be further refined for each level using except and only options.
  • the @membership attribute is set on initialization of the permission object. See setup for details in 'Setup'


$ rails generate action_permission:install

This generator creates the app/permissions directory along with a application_perimission.rb file.

Permissions should be placed in the app/permissions directory and mimic the structure of your controllers. Each permission will typically extend from ApplicationPermission, allowing you to set default permissions for each role.

Additionally, the install generator will add some boilerplate code into your ApplicationController required for setting up ActionPermission. It will look much like this:


authorize_with :current_user
before_action :check_permission

def current_user
  @current_user ||= session[:user_id] ? User.find(session[:user_id]) :

def check_permission
  unless authorized?
    #do something when user does not have permission to access page
    # Flash[:warn] = "You do not have permission to access this page."
    # redirect_to root_url

This is a basic implementation that you can change and modify to work with your application's user role structure.

Ultimately, ActionPermission looks to receive a string representing the name of the role/level of current user. It requires you to pass a method to authorize_with in your ApplicationController to call when loading permissions.

  • This method should return an object that can repond to an #identify method.
  • Object returned is set as @membership for use in #allow blocks (see example permission class above)
  • #identify is expected to return a string or symbol representing the user's role/level. A method with a name matching this return value will be called on the permission object.
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  # assume User#role exists as a string representation
  # of what role that user is

  def identify
    role || "guest"

Alternatively, you can overwrite ActionPermission::Base#load in the ApplicationPermission class to define your own way of determining a method to call.

class ApplicationPermission < ActionPermission::Base

  def load(user)
    @membership = user
    send @membership.access_level


Once you have it setup, your controller has access to an authorized? method which will tell you if the current user has permission to access the current action

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  before_action :check_permissions

  def check_permissions
    unless authorized?
      flash[:warn] = "You do not have permission to access this page"
      rediect_to root_url

You can set this at a global level in ApplicationController, or be specific about how it handles unauthorized access by checking #authorized? in an individual controller. Or both.


You can enforce the user level's parameter access by using the #allowed_params_for method in each controller to retrieve the parameters to be passed into create or update methods.

class BooksController < ApplicationController

  # ...
  def create
    @book =
      redirect_to @book
      render :new


  def book_params
    allowed_params_for :book, params 

  # ...


The example above will load the BooksPermission class, call the method corresponding to the user's level, then filter the parameters in params[:book] based on the permission instance and return the allowed parameters. This uses and hooks into strong_parameters.

allowed_params_for(resource, params [, controller])

#allowed_params_for requires two arguments, and takes an options third.

Both resource and controller can be a string, symbol, Class, or Class instance.

By default, resource will be used to guess which permission to load, but you can explicity tell it which controller (thus corresponding permission file), you intend to check. This comes into play when controllers and models are namespaced and may not be namespaced in the same way.

# would load BooksPermission 
# and filter :book key of params
allowed_params_for @book, params

# would load Libraries::BooksPermission 
# and filter :library_book key of params
allowed_params_for 'library/book', params

# would load permission corresponding to current controller
# and filter :book key from params
allowed_params_for :book, params, self

# would load Admin::BooksPermission 
# and filter :user_book key of params
allowed_params_for 'user/book', params, Admin::BooksController

# would load Library::BooksPermission 
# and filter :user_book key of params
allowed_params_for User::Book, params, 'library/books'


rails g action_permission:install

This will add the base application_permission.rb file as well as add some boilerplate code to the application controller

rails g action_permission:permission CONTROLLER [attribute, attribute, ...]

rails g action_permission:permission users username name email role password_digest

This will generate a permission file for the supplied controller. YOu can pass in attributes to auto populate the params method for that permission object. In the future this will be added onto the scaffolding generator so you don't have to run this seperately



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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request