
Run accessibility audits on web pages from the command line.


AccessLint uses the Accessibility Developer Tools javascript library to make assertions on the DOM via PhantomJS.


$ brew install phantomjs

$ gem install access_lint

$ access_lint audit <url-or-filename>

Command Line Usage

Running the audit command will return an array of stringified JSON objects to stdout:

$ access_lint audit TARGET  # TARGET can be a url or a path to a file

The JSON structure looks like:

    "element_names": ["<p class=\"foo\">relevant element</p>"], # array of string values for applicable DOM nodes
    "elements": [DOM node],                                     # array of failing nodes as DOM objects.
    "severity": "WARNING",                                      # string for the severity of the failure.
    "status": "PASS",                                           # 'PASS', 'FAIL', or 'NA'
    "title": "Some description"                                 # string description of the failure.


$ access_lint audit

[{"element_names": ["<span class=\"blogger-gear\"></span>"], "elements": [DOM node], "severity"=>"Warning", "status"=>"FAIL", "title"=>"Meaningful images should not be used in element backgrounds"}, ...]


For full descriptions of the audit rules, visit the Accessibility Developer Tools project wiki

  • Audio elements should have controls
  • ARIA state and property values must be valid
  • Elements with ARIA roles must use a valid, non-abstract ARIA role
  • Controls and media elements should have labels
  • These elements are focusable but either invisible or obscured by another element
  • Images should have an alt attribute
  • The purpose of each link should be clear from the link text
  • Text elements should have a reasonable contrast ratio
  • role=main should only appear on significant elements
  • Meaningful images should not be used in element backgrounds
  • aria-labelledby attributes should refer to an element which exists in the DOM
  • The web page should have a title that describes topic or purpose
  • Elements with ARIA roles must have all required attributes for that role
  • Video elements should use elements to provide captions


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request