
A succinct interface to the IBM Watson Explorer Foundational Components Engine REST API

by Colin Dean [email protected]


Acceleration provides a succinct, ActiveResource-style interface to a IBM Watson Explorer Foundational Components (WEX-FC) Engine search platform instance's REST API.

The name comes from WEX-FC's pre-acquisition name, VivĂ­simo Velocity. Acceleration is derived from Velocity. Get it?


This library is property of IBM Corporation and licensed under the MIT license. See for license terms.

(C) Copyright IBM Corporation. 2012-2016. AWSOM WAT056420161228.


to be completed


Please test all changes against Ruby 1.9.3+ and JRuby 1.7+. Proper testing infrastructure is more than welcome!

Getting started

Check out the source:

git clone
cd acceleration

Install dependencies:

gem install bundler
bundle install

Generate documentation:

rake doc

Now you're clear for hacking. Open the docs with open doc/index.html to learn how to use it. The top-level class is actually Velocity.


Acceleration uses semantic versioning. Once all work for a version is committed, increment the version number in lib/acceleration/version.rb and execute semver inc patch, or whatever else is appropriate for the release. Then, commit the changes to lib/acceleration/version.rb and .semver with git commit -a -m "version $(semver tag)" and then tag it with git tag $(semver tag).