
Build Status

To use in a Hydra app:

# In Gemfile
gem 'about_page', :git => 'git://github.com/sul-dlss/about_page.git'

# In config/initializers/about_page.rb
AboutPage.configure do |config|
  config.app           = { :name => MyApplication.name, :version => MyApplication::VERSION }
  config.environment   = AboutPage::Environment.new({ 
    'Ruby' => /^(RUBY|GEM_|rvm)/    # This defines a "Ruby" subsection containing
                                    # environment variables whose names match the RegExp
  config.request       = AboutPage::RequestEnvironment.new({
    'HTTP Server' => /^(SERVER_|POW_)/  # This defines an "HTTP Server" subsection containing
                                        # request variables whose names match the RegExp
  config.dependencies  = AboutPage::Dependencies.new
  config.fedora        = AboutPage::Fedora.new(ActiveFedora::Base.connection_for_pid(0))  # Rubydora::Repository instance
  config.solr          = AboutPage::Solr.new(ActiveFedora.solr)                           # RSolr instance
  config.git           = AboutPage::GitLog.new(15) # Display the last 15 git commits

# In config/routes.rb
mount AboutPage::Engine => '/about(.:format)' # Or whever you want to access the about page

# In app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss
@import "about_page"

Known Issues

  • Solr must have LukeHandler enabled on /luke