Abiquo API client for Ruby

Basic API browsing and raw object manipulation for Ruby.


To get the client installed just issue:

gem install abiquo-api

Or if you are using a Gemfile, add:

gem 'abiquo-api'

An example usage would be:

require 'abiquo-api'

a = AbiquoAPI.new(:abiquo_api_url => '', 
                  :abiquo_username => "admin", 
                  :abiquo_password => "xabiquo")

Or, if you want to force a specific API version:

require 'abiquo-api'

abq = AbiquoAPI.new(:abiquo_api_url => '', 
                    :abiquo_username => "admin", 
                    :abiquo_password => "xabiquo",
                    :version => "2.9")

You can also define some connection parameters that will be applied to the underlying Faraday HTTP connection:

require 'abiquo-api'

abq = AbiquoAPI.new(:abiquo_api_url => '',
                    :abiquo_username => "admin",
                    :abiquo_password => "xabiquo",
                    :connection_options => {
                      :ssl => {
                        :verify => false

Or, you can also use OAuth credentials:

require 'abiquo-api'

abq = AbiquoAPI.new(:abiquo_api_url => '',
                    :abiquo_api_key => "somekey",
                    :abiquo_api_secret => "somesecret",
                    :abiquo_token_key => "sometoken",
                    :abiquo_token_secret => "sometokensecret",
                    :connection_options => {
                      :ssl => {
                        :verify => false

Then you can start browsing the API:

l = AbiquoAPI::Link.new(:href => 'cloud/virtualdatacenters', 
                        :type => 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualdatacenters+json',
                        :client => abq)


Client object

The client object contains 2 methods that allow API browsing.

  • login Makes the login API call, returning the current user information. From there you can navigate to related objects.
  • properties Makes the config/properties call and returns a hash containing all the system properties in the system. Useful to get default values for some objects (ie. VLAN parameters in VDC creation).

Represents an Abiquo API Link. Issuing get on them will retrieve link destination. This allows for things like:

vapp = vdc.link(:virtualappliances).get.first

Generic model object

This is used to map Abiquo API objects.

Generic list

This is used to iterate over paginated lists.


Browse the API

Initialize connection

a = AbiquoAPI.new(:abiquo_api_url => '', 
                  :abiquo_username => "admin", 
                  :abiquo_password => "xabiquo")

Login call

Is the User object returned by the API at login. You can browse the links provided like:

user = a.login

vm = user.link(:virtualmachines).get.first

=> "ABQ_6b6d9856-c05f-425e-8916-1ff7de1683e3"

=> 18

Create a VDC using an existing one as reference

Initialize connection

a = AbiquoAPI.new(:abiquo_api_url => '', 
                  :abiquo_username => "admin", 
                  :abiquo_password => "xabiquo")
l = AbiquoAPI::Link.new(:href => '/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters', 
                        :type => 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualdatacenters+json',
                        :client => a)
v = l.get.first

Create a new object

v1 = a.new_object(:name => "vdctest", 
                  :hypervisorType => "VMX_04", 
                  :vlan => v.vlan, 
                  :links => [v.link(:location), a.enterprise])

Create a link where to post data

l1 = AbiquoAPI::Link.new(:href => '/api/cloud/virtualdatacenters', 
                         :type => 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualdatacenter+json')

Post data

v2 = a.post(l1, v1)

Modify the created object

v2.name = "SomeValue"
v2 = a.put(v2.edit, v2)


v2.name = "SomeValue"

Delete it


