[WIP] ABBYY::Cloud

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JSON HTTP client to the ABBYY Cloud API.


The library is available as a gem abbyy-cloud.


Initialize the client with a corresponding credentials:

require "abbyy/cloud"

CLIENT = ABBYY::Cloud.new(id: "foo", token: "bar")

You can set these options explicitly:

CLIENT = ABBYY::Cloud.new id:      "foo",
                          token:   "bar",
                          engine:  "Sandbox" # default engine for translations

And then use the client to provide requests:

res = CLIENT.mt.translate("To be or not to be", from: :en, to: :ru)
res.translation  # => "Быть или не быть"

res = CLIENT.mt.translate_segments ["To be or not to be", "That is the question"], from: "en", to: "ru"
res.map(&:text) # => ["Быть или не быть", "Это вопрос"]

Namespaces and Operations

Machine Translations

The namespace mt contains (synchronous) operations with machine translation.


See the specification

result = CLIENT.mt.engines
# => [#<ABBYY::Cloud::Models::Engine @name="Sandbox">]


This operation is built on top of the previous one and simply takes settings for the specified engine:

result = CLIENT.mt.engine("Sandbox")

result.class                  # => ABBYY::Cloud::Models::Engine
result.name                   # => "Sandbox"
result.languages              # => ["en", "ru"]
result.translation_directions # => [#<ABBYY::Cloud::Models::Direction source: "en", target: "ru">]
# => { name: "Sandbox", languages: ["en", "ru"], translation_directions: [{ source: "en", target: "ru" }] }


Returns settings for the engine used in the initializer

CLIENT = ABBYY::Cloud.new(id: "foo", token: "bar", engine: "Bing")

settings_for_bing = CLIENT.mt.default_engine


Translates a string.

See the specification.

result = CLIENT.mt.translate("To be or not to be", from: :en, to: :ru)

result.class       # => ABBYY::Cloud::Models::Translation
result.translation # => "Быть или не быть"
result.id          # => "2832934"
result.to_h        # => { id: "2832934", translation: "Быть или не быть" }


Translates an array of strings in one request

See the specification

result = CLIENT.mt.translate_segments(["To be", "or not to be"], from: :en, to: :ru)

result.class       # => ABBYY::Cloud::Models::TranslationSequence
result.map(&:text) # => ["Быть", "или не быть"]


The namespace prices contains operations with prices details.


See the specification.

list = CLIENT.prices.details

# {
#   id:          "foo",
#   account_id:  "bar",
#   type:        "qux",
#   from:        "ru",
#   to:          "en",
#   unit_prices: [{ unit_type: "Words", currency: "USD", amount: 0.03 }],
#   discounts:   [{ discount_type: "TMTextMatch", discount: 0.01 }],
#   created:     Time.now
# }

The number of items can be several thousands. You can specify skip and take options to take necessary items only, otherwise it will return all prices.

Notice, though, that every single request can return no more than 1000 items. If you request more prices, several requests will be made one-by-one. Parsing all the results can be pretty slow.


[WIP] Compatible to ABBYY Cloud API v.0.

Tested under rubies compatible to MRI 2.3+ using RSpec 3.0+.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.