
Savage is a graphics language layered on top of SVG, in the spirit of Sass and Haml.


  1. clone repo
  2. bundle
  3. bundle exec ruby compiler.rb < test.svge > test.svg
  4. View test.svg in a web browser or other SVG renderer.


// Set dimensions of your graphic (width x height).
400 x 300

// Draw a circle of radius 100 at (200,150).
(100) @ 200,150

// Draw an ellipse with x-radius 50 and y-radius 40 at 10,10.
(50,40) @ 10,10

// Draw a square of side length 10.
[10] @ 100,200

// Draw a rectangle of width 50, height 30.
[50,30] @ 300,0

// Draw a line from (20,30) to (40,50), then to (50,60).
  @ 20,30
  @ 40,50
  @ 50,60

// Draw an arrow.
  M 100,225
  L 100,115
  L 130,115
  L 70,15
  L 10,115
  L 40,115
  L 40,225

// Style using Sass.
    fill: red

    fill: blue

[15].dot @ 300,250

[15].dot @ 350,270

(15)#point @ 360, 230


Apache 2.0. See LICENSE.txt.


Marc-André Cournoyer for writing, which got this project off the ground. The authors of Haml, Sass, and Coffeescript, for demonstrating that we need not be content with the languages W3C gives us.