A simple Ruby wrapper for processing reStructuredText via Python's Docutils.


Python 2.3+ (or 3.3+) is required.

RbST is available on RubyGems.org.

gem install RbST


require 'rbst'
@html = RbST.new('/some/file.rst').to_html
# or
@latex = RbST.new('*hello*').to_latex

This takes the reStructuredText formatted file and converts it to either HTML or LaTeX. The first argument can be either a file or a string.

You can also use the convert class method to output HTML:

puts RbST.convert('/some/file.rst')

Arguments can be passed to #to_html, #to_latex, new or convert, accepting symbols or strings for options without arguments and hashes of strings or symbols for options with arguments.

puts RbST.new(".. a comment").to_html('strip-comments')
# => '<div class="document">\n</div>'

Options passed as string use hyphens while symbols use underscores. For instance, the above could also be written as:

puts RbST.new(".. a comment").to_html(:strip_comments)
# => '<div class="document">\n</div>'

Document parts can also be specified with the :parts option.

puts RbST.new("hello world").to_html(:part => :fragment)
# => '<p>hello world</p>'

By default, RbST uses the html_body part for HTML and the whole part for LaTeX.

Available options can be viewed using the RbST.html_options and RbST.latex_options class methods.

You might run into a situation where you want to specify a custom script for processing one or both of the output formats. If so, just specify the full path to the custom script for the format by passing a hash to the RbST.executables= method:

RbST.executables = {:html => "/some/other/path/2html.py"}

# uses custom executable for outputting html

# uses default executable for latex since a custom one wasn't specified
RbST.new("something else").to_latex

Similarly, if you want to explicitly specify which python executable to use, set the path with the RbST.python_path= method:

RbST.python_path = "/usr/bin/env python3"

For more information on reStructuredText, see the ReST documentation.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Copyright (c) 2009-2015 William Melody. See LICENSE for details.