A small, simple Ruby user interface framework
NOTE: This project is its very early stages of development. If you experience a bug or have an idea for a new feature, don't hesitate to open an issue
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'RIUI'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install RIUI
First include the gem in your Ruby file.
include 'RIUI'
When you create a new view, you must also create a new instace of RIActions
. This is necessary to provide functionality to UI elements.
actions = RIActions.new
You must then add each element to the action class:
button = RIButton.new(....)
slider = RISlider.new(....)
To create a new button object:
button = RIButton.new(x: 125, y: 100, width: 150, height: 100, color: "green", hover_color: "blue")
See docs for descriptions of each arrtibute
To add clicking functionality, first create the method you would like to trigger:
def click
puts 'button clicked'
Then, create an object with that method:
onclick = method(:click)
Alternatively, you can call a method from a class:
my_class = MyClass.new
onclick = my_class.method(:method_name)
Next, assign the method to the button:
button.onClick(onclick: onclick)
To create a new slider object:
slider = RISlider.new(length: 200, square_size: 10, x: 100, y: 250, ticks: 20)
See docs for descriptions of each attribute
To access the slider's value:
slider.value #returns the current value of the slider
To reset the slider to 0 and reset the position of the square:
To add call a method when the slider's value changes:
def slider_change
puts "#{slider.value}
value_changed = method(:slider_change)
slider.onChange(onchange: value_changed)
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/RIUI.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.