About the project

This is a task for the subject "Lenguajes y Paradigmas de Programación" of "University of La Laguna", the goal is to get familiar with Test Driven Environment. For that we had to implemented a class that handles food nutrients.

Update [Assignment 7]

We added a Double Linked List class to our project. For the nodes we used Ruby Struct. We also implemented some Food child classes to work with inheritance in Ruby.

Update [Assignment 8]

We made Food intances comparable and Dll enumerable to work with modules mixins. We also documented the code using yard.

Update [Assignment 9]

We added methods to the Food class to calculate the glycemic index of the food. Trying to do what we could with functional programming.

Update [Assignment 10]

Changed how foods are compared, now they are compared by energetic value. Also added 2 sorting methods to the Array class and we did a benchmark of those and the sort method.