
Rack + Javascript = Jack

Write your web apps in the same powerful language on both ends.

Does it work?

Yes, thanks entirely to the hard work of Christian Neukirchen for Rack and John Barnette, Aaron Patterson, Yehuda Katz, and Matthew Draper for their work on Johnson.

Why would I need this?

Because this is kickass, that's why:

  return [200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}, "you're looking at: "+env['PATH_INFO']];

How do I try it painlessly?

$ sudo gem install jbarnette-johnson --source=http://gems.github.com
$ git clone git://github.com/JackDanger/jack.git # or one of the forks
$ cd jack && rake install_gem
$ samples/hello.js &
$ curl http://localhost:1337

First version (and idea) by Jack Danger Canty, this version by Phil Hagelberg.