# Hebruby is a Ruby library to convert julian dates to hebrew dates, and vice-versa. # Written by Ron Evans (ron dot evans at gmail dot com or www.deadprogrammersociety.com). # Additional code contributed by Joshua Harvey. # Based on Javascript code from John Walker (www.fourmilab.ch/documents/calendar/). # Usage:

# For julian to hebrew: # @hb = Hebruby::HebrewDate.new(Date.new(2010, 1, 1)) # assert_equal(10, @hb.month, “Wrong month.”) # assert_equal(“Tevet”, @hb.month_name, “Wrong month name.”) # assert_equal(5770, @hb.year, “Wrong year.”) # assert_equal(15, @hb.day, “Wrong day.”) # # For hebrew to julian: # @hb = Hebruby::HebrewDate.new1(15,10,5770) # assert_equal(Date.new(2010, 1, 1).jd, @hb.jd, “Wrong Julian date.”)