If you want to use Ruby/Tk (tk.rb and so on), you must have tcltklib.so which is working correctly. When you have some troubles on compiling, please read README.tcltklib and README.ActiveTcl. Even if there is a tcltklib.so on your Ruby library directry, it will not work without Tcl/Tk libraries (e.g. libtcl8.4.so) on your environment. You must also check that your Tcl/Tk is installed properly.

( the following is written in EUC-JP )

Ruby/Tk (tk.rb ????) ????????????????????tcltklib.so ?????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????README.tcltklib ?? README.ActiveTcl ???????????????? ?????? Ruby ?????????????????????????? tcltklib.so ???????????????????? ?????????????? Tcl/Tk ?????????? (libtcl8.4.so ????) ?????????????????? ??????Tcl/Tk ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)