Module: Precision

Included in:
Fixnum, Float, Integer
Defined in:

Class Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details




When the Precision module is mixed-in to a class, this included method is used to add our default induced_from implementation to the host class.

# File 'prec.c'

 * call_seq:
 *   included
 * When the +Precision+ module is mixed-in to a class, this +included+
 * method is used to add our default +induced_from+ implementation
 * to the host class.

static VALUE
prec_included(module, include)
    VALUE module, include;
    switch (TYPE(include)) {
      case T_CLASS:
      case T_MODULE:
       Check_Type(include, T_CLASS);
    rb_define_singleton_method(include, "induced_from", prec_induced_from, 1);
    return module;

Instance Method Details

#prec(klass) ⇒ Object

Converts self into an instance of klass. By default, prec invokes


and returns its value. So, if klass.induced_from doesn't return an instance of klass, it will be necessary to reimplement prec.

# File 'prec.c'

 *  call-seq:
 *   num.prec(klass)   => a_klass
 *  Converts _self_ into an instance of _klass_. By default,
 *  +prec+ invokes 
 *     klass.induced_from(num)
 *  and returns its value. So, if <code>klass.induced_from</code>
 *  doesn't return an instance of _klass_, it will be necessary
 *  to reimplement +prec+.

static VALUE
prec_prec(x, klass)
    VALUE x, klass;
    return rb_funcall(klass, prc_if, 1, x);


Returns a Float converted from num. It is equivalent to prec(Float).

# File 'prec.c'

 *  call-seq:
 *    num.prec_f  =>  Float
 *  Returns a +Float+ converted from _num_. It is equivalent 
 *  to <code>prec(Float)</code>.

static VALUE
    VALUE x;
    VALUE klass = rb_cFloat;

    return rb_funcall(x, prc_pr, 1, klass);


Returns an Integer converted from num. It is equivalent to prec(Integer).


# File 'prec.c'

 *  call-seq:
 *    num.prec_i  =>  Integer
 *  Returns an +Integer+ converted from _num_. It is equivalent 
 *  to <code>prec(Integer)</code>.

static VALUE
    VALUE x;
    VALUE klass = rb_cInteger;

    return rb_funcall(x, prc_pr, 1, klass);